Aquaforest OceanGuard 605 - 47.2"L x 24.6"W x 22.6"H - Display Tank - 114 US Gallons/605 liters - System - 160 US Gallons
SUPER EXCITED for a new build coming soon! I've been wanting a large tank for some time, a show piece for home. Really looking forward to this journey with a large scale...
After a year and a half in the hobby I have finally upgraded. I will still be invested in my Aquatop Recife 40g cube, but man am I ready for this new journey with the Aquaforest. I have learned a ton in the last year. I have fought the most extreme algae issues and I’m still here, I’d call that...
So I’m looking at upgrading to a 5’ tank and I have found the 790 on brs but haven’t really seen much reviews/builds on the tank. Does anyone have this tank and if so what are your thoughts. Seems to be at a higher price point than others like waterbox and Red Sea.