nutrient export

  1. H

    Mid to high NITRATE / Low to zero PHOSPHATE BENEFITS?!

    phosphates help growth in coral but also brings algae and lose of coral color. How important is phosphate in saltwater aquarium? I rather have mid nitrates levels 15-20 ppm maybe push 40ppm before 10% water change all while keeping phosphate levels low. Calcium will be readily available and more...
  2. salty_dawg

    Refugium with no skimmer ?

    I have a reefer 250 v1 with a Red Sea reefer 300 protein skimmer that in my opinion sucks .. I was debating on removing it for an algae scrubber then I was wondering about removing it and just throwing a light and some macro algae there would save me some cash but would it be...
  3. marisp127

    Brightwell NO3 and PO4 XPort Cubes

    Hey all, I have been struggling with nutrient export as of late (along with an outbreak of GHA) and have been working to reduce nitrates and phosphate through all of the traditional routes (water changes, reduction of feeding amount/time, consistent cleaning of filter and protein skimmer, etc.)...
  4. Muffin87

    Dr. Tim & Mark Callahan video says refugiums / ATS don't work well for nutrient export

    Key points: Refugiums and algae turf scrubbers can't run nutrients low enough to run an ultra low nutrient system; They make a system phosphate-limited, so you're always going to have residual nitrate; Algal exudates tint the water yellow and require protein skimming; Quote from 5:17: "[a...
  5. Reef and Dive

    Interview with many NEW ideas from Fauna Marin’s CEO Claude Schumacher

    I’m part of a Brazillian group of reefers that get together every week to discuss online reefing topics (Amigos do Marinho, YT Chanel ForipaReef). I would like to share with you an interview we made with @Fauna Marin CEO, mr Claude Schumacher, where we discuss with him many interesting topics...
  6. WheatToast

    A Seagrass and Deep Sand Bed Theory...

    Could seagrasses be the solution to deep sand bed issues? My belief is that they could eliminate nutrient and organic buildup as they can only take in nutrients through their roots (edit: when they become too much for the bacteria and other organisms in the sand to handle). As a bonus, they also...
  7. jtone_philthy_aquatics

    Jason fox halo montipora/ yellow fever/ steve tyree/ mangrove

    Just got a Jason fox halo montipora a few days ago the Jason fox yellow fever montipora is doing really well the pink polyps came on the same frag disk as the monti I bought that frag off of Jason during a live sale event. My Steve tyree monti is looking good and my digi is growing alot of new...
  8. C

    How long after dosing Vibrant can Macroalgae be safe?

    I dosed Vibrant several times with some good results, but algae still grows. I know it will look great over time, but long term will not solve my nutrient issues. I know managing a refugium is going to be a better solution long-term. I did not realize how detrimental it was to Macroalgae and...
  9. Reefer37

    Is it Normal for no ALK/Cal Use in a Week?

    So I have a year old 45g cube with some LPS and softies. Total maybe 20-25 corals. It's not overly stocked, so maybe this is pretty normal, but I feel there would be some use in my alkalinity or calcium levels. I checked over a week and looks like no use of any alk or calcium. Check Alk with...
  10. T

    Refugium questions.

    Hi, new to the forum! So. I have a 70 gallon tank, mostly softies. Running 2 viparspectra 165s. 10 inches off the water. 23 inch tall tank. Off the topic i really wanna know the answer to but what should I run the intensities at? Should I alter the stock lights in any way etc etc. The real...
  11. Muffin87

    Best nutrient reduction strategy for very heavy bioload?

    What would be the best way to keep nitrate and phosphate in check with this kind of bioload? (Other than water changes, obviously) My intention is to keep an LPS & Clams 50G tank, including tubastea (yellow and black), and diffent dendrophyllias. I already set up a mini fridge for heavy...
  12. Freelamp944

    Where do nutrients go in cryptic zones?

    I've been doing some research on using cryptic zones in place of a skimmer and I'm curious how nutrient export actually happens. Obviously, with a skimmer we physically dump the waste down the drain. With a cryptic zone, sponges and other critters eat the dissolved organics, but nothing is...
  13. MnFish1

    Water changes or equipment /supplements for nutrient export - a Poll....

    Lately - after a couple items failed and having problems in the past with various algae outbreaks, chemical methods to control algae, etc etc. I've come to the conclusion that 'simpler is better' - So - for my current tank I have a skimmer, some carbon in the sump - and dose 2 part using weekly...
  14. D. Torres

    Need Help With Equipment

    Hello everyone. I have a 75g standard size aquarium that I've had running with fairly little issues. I thought I'd be able to jump into a 20g nano tank pretty easily but it hasn't been as easy of a transition. For reference I have have the Innovative Marine 20g Concept Panorama (pic included of...
  15. TurmanLucas

    Dosing Vibrant and Microbacter Clean?

    Hello I have a question about if it would be okay to dose vibrant and microbacter clean together Right now I dose vibrant ever other week and algae still grows luckily I have a few turbo snails and conch’s that do a great job keeping up. I’m curious is the week I don’t dose vibrant if it would...
  16. reefcubed

    The ultimate Mangrove thread!!

    I have been keeping, messing with, and experimenting with mangroves for years. I have read information far and wide, and utilized experience of other refers on here as well. I hope this becomes the one stop spot for inspiration and information. I hope that other mangrove aficionados join in with... - All-In-One Aquarium Filtration