nuisance algae

  1. VanCityReef

    Please help identify this nuisance algae! Rapidly taking over my tank

    Went away for a week and came home to this completely taking over my sump. Protein skimmer working very hard. Used up half my reef mat in 3 days. It feels very slimy and comes apart quite easily. The consistency almost feels like slime around a piece of string, but the second you touch it, it...
  2. dumroll

    Identification and solution. Bryopsis? Cladophorosis? Something else?

    Hi R2R Team, I've been battling a nuisance algae for a little bit now. I initially thought it was bryopsis but have tried fluconazole with no luck. I have tried manual removal which will remove the amount initially but always comes back. I have also implemented reduced feeding by reducing total...
  3. PeterReefer

    Hair algae, started dosing GFO

    I have been battling hair algae for a couple months now. Basically, target vacuuming up from the rock work, but it is getting out of hand due to high phosphate levels. so, I started running GFO in a reactor, but now I have cloudy water. Is this normal?Does this eventually run clear?
  4. B

    Algae ID‼️‼️

    What’s up everybody, just have a quick question. I am battling some sort of algae on my sand bed and have been for a couple of weeks now. They are like thousands of little individual balls of green algae, and I can’t find anywhere on what they might be. There is a ton of them and I do not know...
  5. B


    Hello everyone, I have been struggling with this algae in my sand bed for close to 3 months now. I haven’t had much other problems with any other algae besides hair algae, but I got most of it gone. I have no idea how to get rid of it. It goes away for 2-3 days and shows up again. I do biweekly...
  6. B

    HELP ID’ing!!!!!

    Have a couple of these little green looking bubble sacks on one of my rocks. They have a hard shell it feels like. Just wondering what they might be.
  7. K

    ID on algae

    Hello, I've went fallow on my tank for a couple months due to a velvet outbreak. During this time I started to get some GHA throughout the tank and it slowly turned into this webby reddish algae. I was thinking about getting some fish soon since the velvet is more than eradicated by now, but I...
  8. K

    Can someone please ID this algae?

    Hello, I've went fallow on my tank for a couple months due to a velvet outbreak. During this time I started to get some GHA throughout the tank and it slowly turned into this webby reddish algae. I was thinking about getting some fish soon since the velvet is more than eradicated by now, but I...
  9. H

    What is this brown slime?

    No bubbles in this stuff except when matted on algae. It is a fluorescence orange when under blue light. I'm stumped and thinking it's cyano or maybe some kind of dino. any help is greatly appreciated
  10. P

    Brown Algae ID

    Over the last few weeks, I have seen a new algae outbreak and I’ve been unable to properly ID it. It seems to be encrusting and does not come off with a tooth brush. My CuC doesn’t eat it. My LFS suggested a pinchushion urchin, but I’m wondering if there’s an alternative. I don’t want the...
  11. M

    Growing everything except the chaeto!?!?!

    Hey all, new to both the forum and reef tanks. Long story short, ‘rescued’ a 125gal tank from someone with some rock, sand, livestock. Person was running an fluval fx6 as his only means of filtration. Got everything home and running and put the fish into a tank transfer/quarantine cycle for...
  12. Jakewareham

    Bryopsis, need suggestions on treatment with fluconazole, Help please :)

    So I've been in the hobby for 3 years, I have a 90 gallon mixed reef that has been very successful. I recently started up a 13.5 fluval evo nano, I used all established live rock from my 90 gallon system sump. The tank inhabits 2 clowns, an urchin and a narcissus snail, plus a few zoa frags...
  13. A

    Green Algae ID and help

    Hello Everyone, can somebody please help me identify this algae. It’s really bushy and waves in the water flow. It’s growing on the back glass as well. Any idea if this is green hair or turf algae? What’s the difference? Any ideas to bring this under control? I added a Torchus snail and a...
  14. Alex's Nano Reef

    Algae ID

    Over the last few day ive started to notice some algae starting to grow on the rocks looks a little red/brown anyone got a ID
  15. R

    [PICS & VIDEO updated] : Help me identify this algae?

    Can someone please help me identify this nuisance alage I am having for the last 2 months now. I have an established 5year old SPS dominant system. My Nitrate is between 0-5ppm and my PO4 is 0.04 checked with Hanna URL checker. All the inhabitants of the tank are doing good. VIDEO:
  16. W

    NEED ID: Got my nuisance under the scope!

    Hi guys, I've been reading this group for many months.:) 6 weeks ago I started my cycling of a 43 gallon tank without fish and with dry rock and live sand. There is no longer ammonia or nitrites and nitrates are at 100 ppm (Red Sea) and phosphates are barely detectable, 0.01 (AF) or zero. For...
  17. AustinC63

    Algae ID, Please Help! (see photos)

    Hi, Need help ID'ing this nuisance algae in my tank. It starts as a small round bump, then appears to start growing a stalk/stem. It is a light green/yellow color and can apparently grow with next to no light as its inside of caves in my rockwork. Please help! I'm thinking maybe bubble algae...
  18. ReefNewbie12

    What is this thick red algae

    Yeah, I got no words here, it seems to have sprung up randomly (like all the worst algaes do) and didn’t appear near a frag or anything, what is this? Is it some sort of super-cyanobacteria? Will it harm my corals or snails? (I’m afraid the latter would probably eat it regardless) And most...
  19. B

    Nuisance algae on glass

    Recently started with this algae on my glass. It began as a thin, dust like covering but has since also developed this lightening strike like pattern. Tank is a year old and has been completely stable, with nothing added since some gsp back in March. My parameters were n03: 10 and p04: 0.01 but...
  20. Reefer9871

    I.D. this algae that is taking over my reef tank! HELP PLEASE!

    What is this that is taking over my tank!? These are the best pictures I could get with my son’s microscope. But I figure someone out there might be able to I.D. what it is…. At first I thought dinos or diatoms because they came back worse when I cleaned them and did water changes. After...
  21. BurtMacklin

    Help with white, stringy, fluffy algae

    Tank is 6 months old. 65 gallon with 20 gallon sump and about 40lb live rock, 40lb live sand, two black phantom clown fish, two Bangaii Cardinals, one Tail Spot Blenny, one Royal Gramma, 2 peppermint shrimp, 3 hermit crabs, 10 turbo snails, 2 nerite snails, 2 cerith snails, 3 zoas, 1 radioactive...
  22. M

    Brown threads all over the tank

    Hi all, Wanted to see if folks knew what this stuff might be / associated with. These started appearing more and more in the tank over the last week ... No major changes in tank or water chemistry. No additions to the tank. pH 8-8.2, alk 9.8dKh, calc 430, nitrates around 5, phosphates...
  23. BostonReefer300

    Vibrant and Macroalgae - Poll

    Many of us with refugiums and macroalgae use Vibrant occasionally to tackle a troublesome nuisance algae outbreak. You're supposed to take your macroalgae out before you dose Vibrant. However, it's unclear (at least to me) how long after last Vibrant dose you can put the macroalgae back in...
  24. P

    Help Identify This Algae!

    Hey guys I need some help identifying 2 different kinds of algae in my tank. Here is some quick facts on my tank. Its a 75 gallon mixed reef only 4 months old but all of my corals are doing well. 2 months in I noticed what I thought was hair algae but now I'm not so sure. Its rapidly been taking...
  25. Twillyg21

    “And Bingo...Dino DNA!” How did you beat them? Real experiences only

    Alright, hopefully the video provided a bit of a light-hearted intro to a not-so-light-hearted topic of discussion....Dinoflagellates!! I know this topic has been beaten to death, however since I gather that it is probably the #1 discouragement and source of abuse for those unlucky souls who...