
  1. Seabiscuit & Friends

    New Tank ~ Wild Live Rocks

    All kinds of fun stuff happening here! Looks dull and boring from far but I've been enjoying using the magnifying glass to find all the tiny critters. We started out by accidentally bringing home a Cone Shell Hermit crab inside this Auger shell, threw him in a bucket of water with a nice algae...
  2. jfoahs04

    What kind of Nudi?

    Any idea what I’m working with here? It’s on the glass and there’s nothing similar on/near my montis. Looks almost like a berghia to me, but I’ve never had them. I’ll try and get a better photo of the top.
  3. W

    Slug Pest/Hitch Hiker Infestation Outbreak!

    Hello everyone! This is my first time on a reefing forum. I made an account because I can’t find any information regarding what’s going on in my tank. 32 gallon LED Biocube All levels are completely fine and the tank is doing great other then the literal 2 - 300 slugs that seemed to develop...
  4. Joe Batt

    Any ID on this Nudibract

    I was dipping a few new frags today in Bayer and a second dip in Coral RX. I found this nudibract dead after the Bayer dip. Is there any way to ID the type? For those that don't dip new corals, this just goes to show why you ALWAYS should. This is a restart on a crashed tank (possibly due to...
Dinkins Aquatic Gardens