
  1. S

    NPS Gorgonian ID

    Hi I just got a new gorgonian and it's my first coral in my seahorse tank. I'm curious to know the identity of this species as I'm unable to find it anywhere and the lfs I got it from only knows that it is a nps Gorgonian. Any help would be appreciated
  2. Muffin87

    Best nutrient reduction strategy for very heavy bioload?

    What would be the best way to keep nitrate and phosphate in check with this kind of bioload? (Other than water changes, obviously) My intention is to keep an LPS & Clams 50G tank, including tubastea (yellow and black), and diffent dendrophyllias. I already set up a mini fridge for heavy...
  3. lazycouch

    sun polyp help?

    hey guys wondering if anyone can help me out. i got my first sun polyp and he opens up so much, i’ve been feeding him day by day but he still opens up a lot and his mouth as well. now he’s got his mesenterial filaments out. i dont think he was fed where i bought him, i’ve been giving squid and...
Atlantik Icon  reef aquarium LED Bar