nps corals

  1. Muffin87

    The husbandry of NPS corals is a thoroughly neglected topic

    I'm not writing this in the NPS section because I'm hoping to stir up some interest in the wider reefing community. Nearly all general advice you find online about filtration, feeding, and nutrient reduction assumes you won't ever be keeping any NPS corals. The assumption behind most reefing...
  2. Wang Huohuo

    Is NPS coral really "expert only"?

    Hello, here is Wang Huohuo I’m a PhD candidate in marine biology in China I have prepared my first youtube for a while But recently I'm busy designing a new small aquatic exploratorium (including a 1000 gallon NPS tank) so it delays but today I made a video talk about keeping non-photosynthesis...
  3. Trevor Paden

    Studeriotes sp. Or "Christmas Tree Coral"

    Has anyone had success with studeriotes sp. before? There is verg limited information online about them. I managed to procure a specimen and will be posting my experience attempting to keep one.
  4. Northwest_Scapes_

    Build Thread The Dr. Seuss Tank | Northwest's 29 Gallon NPS Aquarium

    Non-Photosynthetic (NPS) Corals have the some of the craziest colors and shapes you'll see naturally in corals. Our NPS Tank at the Seattle Aquarium we've dubbed as the "Dr. Seuss Tank" due to all the colors and shapes, also because that's what a lot of guests refer it to as. So I'm taking that...
  5. C

    A little NPS tank

    Show some pics of my 4L little NPS tank
  6. C

    A little NPS tank

    Show some pics of my 4L little NPS tank
  7. S

    NPS Gorgonian ID

    Hi I just got a new gorgonian and it's my first coral in my seahorse tank. I'm curious to know the identity of this species as I'm unable to find it anywhere and the lfs I got it from only knows that it is a nps Gorgonian. Any help would be appreciated
  8. FishAreCool

    NPS coral questions

    I like sun corals and chili corals specifically. I know you have to feed these, but other than that how hard are they to care for? And do they need an established tank? Could they go in a mixed reef tank? How much should I feed them? I also know that chili corals need to be put upside down.
  9. monicalooze

    Zeolite + NPS?

    I was wondering if any of you NPS experts out there have ever employed Zeolite in your tanks? My sponges are doing great, the purple whip gorg is always puffy and open, but the yellow finger gorg has been temperamental, and I suspect it's a result of too many dissolved organics in the water...
  10. J1a

    Primnoa pacifica

    Could anyone point me to some information regarding Primnoa pacifica, or share with me some experiences about its captive care. I obtained a frag of this from a Fiji shipment. I understand this NPS is from deep sea, other than that, there is little care info available. Of course, it was...
  11. Karen00

    NPS: Red Finger Gorgonians (are they expert level only?)

    Hello fellow saltines, I couldn't find an NPS section so I'm posting in the newbie section. So after four months of my tank (5g) running smoothly I'm starting to develop my coral list. I was given great advice in a previous post of mine and one of the corals mentioned are gorgonians...
  12. Muffin87

    What skimmer for 50G heavy bioload with automatic filter roller

    I have a 50G where I mostly keep LPS and tubastrea. But I wanna keep NPS soft corals (i.e. red finger gorgonian) later down the road, so I'd consider this a heavy bioload 50G. ;DeadCurrent setup and problem. Originally, I only used a skimmer for mechanical filtration so I got an oversized one...
  13. Aqua Splendor

    The ultimate peak of reefing subcategory: NPS

    Hello, So I was trying to get information about the "highest" form of reefing: NPS : Non-PhotoSynthetic It's a very complex hobby and was looking for more deep information. To my surprise R2R doesn't not even have a subcategory of this part of reefing, how did we miss it during all this...
  14. Muffin87

    Best nutrient reduction strategy for very heavy bioload?

    What would be the best way to keep nitrate and phosphate in check with this kind of bioload? (Other than water changes, obviously) My intention is to keep an LPS & Clams 50G tank, including tubastea (yellow and black), and diffent dendrophyllias. I already set up a mini fridge for heavy...
  15. E

    Amino Acids and Non Photosynthetic Coral

    With the growing popularity in the reefing hobby of Amino Acids such as Red Sea’s Reef Energy AB+, I am curious if it makes NPS corals such as Sun Corals and certain Gorgonians, that have been historically considered difficult to keep because of feeding requirements, a bit more accessible to...
  16. Dr. Dendrostein

    California WTB CA$H for dendronephthya and scleronephthya colonies (Callyfornia)

    We're at the point, we're looking for more Carnation corals and trees corals if your local Reef stores or online website gets any, please let us know. PM if possible. Thanks

    NPS Reef

  18. Dr. Dendrostein


    I never seen so many Sun Cup corals from Australia. Can ship all Callyfornia or local pick up. 92501. R2R members, wholesale prices. Landed prices PayPal, Visa, Mastercard
  19. NoahMMTV

    Made a video discussing the best beginner non-photosynthetic corals!

    Hope you got to learn something from this video!
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