
  1. surent5

    75 Gallon Fish only Salt Water Tank Set Up (Need advise)

    Hi Guys, Hope everyone's doing well. Please note I have a nano marine tank (only with fish) and I'm planning to convert my inbuilt sump freshwater aquarium tank into a fish only marine tank. Will need your advise on below. 1. Since I have an inbuilt sump tank as shown in the pictures can I...
  2. surent5

    75 Gallon New FOWLR Set Up (Need Advise)

    Hi Guys, I hope everyone's safe and doing well. I'm thinking of converting my 75 Gallon freshwater inbuilt sump fish tank to a fish only or FOWLR - Marine tank. I will need your expertise on below. 1. Can I run this tank without a skimmer as I'm tight on budget? 2. The tank has the inbuilt...
Biota Marine Life