
  1. markushio40b

    Scopas Tang doesn’t eat nori

    I’ve added a new Scopas Tang to my tank thought they enjoyed the nori sheets to snack on. I’ve purchased the Omega Green and he doesn’t even give it a second look. He has however been eating Frozen Brine Shrimp, Frozen Blood Worms, and even half Clams from my puffer. Should I try a sinking...
  2. Marine Iguana

    Foxface Only Eating Algae

    Good afternoon! I have a 6” magnificent Foxface that I ordered online that I’ve had for 2 weeks now. Still a little shy, but has been getting much more bold in the tank. The problem I’m having is with feeding it- the fish is only grazing in algae in the tank. I feed LRS reef frenzy and mysis...
  3. MrsPewterschmidt

    Hungry hungry urchins

    I don’t want my pincushion urchin to get hungry but I also don’t want to over feed and I’m not sure quite how to tell. My current tank is 25 gallons, and is 7 months old there is a little algae on rocks and glass but not too much so I figured I’d have to supplement. I added my urchin last week...
  4. phildoingthings

    How much Nori for 1 Tang

    Hey R2R community! Just picked up my first tang (a beautiful juvenile Purple Tang). Seems to be settling into her new home just fine. I just was wondering how much Nori I should feed? I don’t want to over do it and I don’t want to “under do it” either. It’s the only fish I have that eats Nori...
  5. tottiforever

    Bristletooth Tang Feeding - Vegi-clip

    Hello, Having a two spot tang delivered tomorrow, and I’m looking for feeding tips. I picked up a little magnetic vegi-clip and some nori. I’m assuming I should just leave the nori and clip in at all times to encourage grazing? Any tips or additional foodtypes I should try? Currently also...
  6. ctenophore

    Happy Election Day! Elect your next reef food and WIN!

    Now that we've had the Plank in production and shipping for over a year and Reef Jerky for almost as long, we'd love to hear from all of you about how and what you're feeding your tanks. We'd love to hear whether or not you use the Plank and/or Reef Jerky, (if no, why not?) and what you'd like...
  7. MrMreef

    Nori: why is it the food pariah in my tank?

    Hey Everyone, Bit of a weird one here; have a mixed reef 100g and none of my 2 herbivores will touch Nori (or lettuce, or zucchini) and I’m concerned because I’d like them to have a great, varied diet. Current fish list: 1x McCosker’s flasher 1x Canary Wrasse 2x Snowflake clowns 1x Lawnmower...
  8. Waterbox Aquariums

    Optimal Nutrition + Feeding Practices: Promoting Health and Longevity in Marine Fish PLUS Your Chance to Win a $100 Waterbox GiftCard

    Hello, R2R! Did you know that with proper care and nutrition, fish can live approximately 30 years in captivity? Not all fish carry the same nutritional needs, so it is important to feed your herbivores, omnivores and carnivores accordingly. Join in as we prepare a meal for Mango, our...
  9. hds4216

    Help! How the heck do I feed my tuxedo urchin?

    I bought a tuxedo urchin because I think they're awesomely cool and my LFS had them in stock for the first time I can remember. However, I don't have any algae haha. I have some nori, but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to feed it. It never finds the nori clip, and if I try to place...
  10. DirtDiggler2823

    Green vs Red/Purple vs Brown Nori

    What are the main differences in the types of nori we feed our tanks? I've seen green as a sort of daily feeder, red/purple as one you use to fatten up a weak fish, and not sure about what brown is for. Does anyone have a breakdown of what these different types of nori are actually used for?
  11. InCodWeTrust

    Feeding Nori

    Hi Reef2Reef, I got a scopas tang from Reef-A-Palooza and I am wondering how you guys get tangs to start eating nori. I’m worried that he won’t last long if he doesn’t start eating so any advice is welcome.
  12. trmiv

    Stop Melanarus wrasse from destroying nori?

    So before I added my Melanarus wrasse to the tank my Tomini tang used to calmly graze on nori over the course of a few hours. Now whenever I put nori on a rock or clip the Melanarus will shred it to bits and have to floating around the tank in a million pieces in about 30 seconds, making a...
  13. Seth Francis

    Veggie Clip is a Vicious Monster.

    Okay, I’m madly confused. I have had a coral beauty in my tank for a while now, and she does a wonderful job of picking bits of algae off of the rocks ALLL DAY. I recently added a Tomini Tang in after a couple of weeks in QT. I’ve never been able to get the CB to eat off of a veggie clip, no...
  14. Kenzie Jeanine

    Small Seaweed Eaters?

    I got a pack of green seaweed added into an order as a free gift, but I currently don't have any fish remotely interested in it! Are there any fish that could fit into a 24 gal cube and would get along with an ocellaris clown, sixline wrasse, and tailspot blenny that also eat seaweed? I know a...
  15. R

    Tomini Tang Not Interested In Nori

    Hi all. I have a tomini tang that just doesn't seem to be interested in Nori. He recently completed a 4 week quarentine and has been in my display tank for 2 weeks now. He's been eating enriched Hikari Brine Shrimp and Hikari mysis shrimp vigorously the entire time. To feed, I've tried hanging...
Dr. Reefs Quarantined Fish