
  1. H

    Clown fish seems stressed

    I'm new to saltwater and just got a clown added to my tank about alittle over a week ago and he seemed fine until yesterday and he started acting like this yesterday he was swimming directly below the water line and then wouldn't eat, all tank parameters seem fine. Went out and got some PE mysis...
  2. O

    Do I need this?

    Hey Everyone, Got my Saltwater up and running! Ended up going with a IM Nuvo Pro 40G V2 with a Red Sea 90 Light, for awhile I'm only going to have a FOWLR 2 Oc Clowns, and 1 Firefish, with a CUC, I might add or or two, other small fish. Is a Protein skimmer really needed if understocking this...
  3. Matt Bravo

    Wave maker question

    Hello everybody I am planning on getting wave maker in order to start buying some coral. Does anyone have any experience or thoughts on the innovative marine aqua gadget desktop wave link dc power head? I have a rectangle 10 gallon like 18” x 10” roughly and was wondering if this wave maker...
  4. Matt Bravo

    General coral needs

    So I've had my 10 gallon for about a month now and my pair of clowns look okay so I want to add corals to encourage them to hopefully explore more of the tank since they still like the right side of the tank a lot more. I've heard mixed opinions on torches and hammer which I'm interested in but...
  5. Swayingoceans

    Second hand 75 Gallon Tank Questions

    Hi everyone, I'm really new to the hobby and I have just started work on a 75 gallon saltwater tank. It was in use less than 24 hours prior to my bringing it home, and the live rock, dry rock, filter (media) and sand as well as some of the original water from the tank came home with me. I'm...
  6. amygetsalife

    Biological filtration for the QT when new to hobby.

    Wanting to run QT from the beginning. Have read Jay's info on quarantine, a lot of the nasty back and forth on QT/nonQT, quite off putting BTW, and still have one core question... To get biological filtration up in my QT, do I cycle it as well as my DT? Fish less, bottle bacteria. Or do I do...
  7. mikemathis555

    Stabilizing PH and ALK

    Since I’ve added some Zoa frags to my tank, I’ve had wild swings in dKh and PH in my Fluval 13.5G tank. I know with a small tank, this can occur, but any advice on how to stabilize this? No ammonia or nitrite Nitrate is between 5-10 ppm No detectable phosphates (only have API kit so might not...
  8. T

    Stocking list for 29 gal reef tank, suggestions and compatibility

    Hey all! I have a 29 gal reef with a few soft coral and 2 lps (favia and candy.) I currently have 2 clownfish and am looking into stocking more fish and making this mixed reef diverse and colorful. I originally had thought about procuring a puffer fish as they have always been some of my...
  9. D

    Not sure what to do with dying coral

    Hi everyone. I have posting here about this coral a lot, but it seems like it dead. It has some brown on it now as you can see in the picture. I know, however, that until there is nothing its still technically "alive". Should I first leave this in my tank? And second, should I do anything to try...
  10. S

    Hello Howdy Y'all

    Hey everyone, The names Caleb and I'm from Cleveland Ohio. I'm completely new to reefing and don't even own a tank yet. I'm a senior in highschool so I will likely wait until I am in college or out of college to start one solely because of transporting tanks back and forth across the country can...
Champion Lighting & Supply