non-reef safe

  1. Ariahsart

    Chocolate Chip Starfish and Coral

    Hello I am new to this forum, I'm not exactly new to the hobby (almost a year in) but am when it comes to corals. I was convinced to get some coral however I have two chocolate Chip Starfish. My first basically lives on my filter or the glass and never touches the ground, and my new one...
  2. Muffin87

    Red Serpent Starfish, ophioderma squamosissimus, reef safe or not? (nano fish, coral, clams)

    Could someone who's had a red serpent stafish in a reef tank chime in with their insight? I'd really appreciate it :) I found this old thead about it, but it's vague. It's unclear if there are multiple species of red serpent starfish, and if they are all reef safe. I just ordered a Red Serpent...
  3. dyno

    Build Thread Fish Only Tanks! - FOWLR/FOT’s Pictures

    Any Reef2Reefers’ here as crazy about the coral eaters as they are about corals? Anyone crazy about larger aggressive fish like Angels, Triggers, and Puffers? I found no stickies or picture threads for Fish Only Tanks. That is not acceptable....... who has a fish only system? I would love to see...
Innovative Marine - Made to Order