
  1. kennedysherman

    Fluctuating Water Level in Sock Chamber. Suggestions?

    I have a 90 gallon Pro Star AIO that we filled up for the first time earlier this week. We cannot get the water level in the filter sock chamber to stay at a consistent level. We've tried dialing up/down the water flow as well as manipulating the level of the return pump and the water is still...
  2. kennedysherman

    Sump set-up incorrectly? Advise needed.

    Just added water to our new tank 2 days ago and the noise is incredibly loud. The tank is a Pro Star 90 gallon all-in-one set-up. I’m not sure if we set the sump up correctly or not.. as you can see in the video there is a sticker that says maximum water height and the water is well above it...
  3. plankton

    Icecap gyre 2k noisy in reverse

    Installed one 2k with white controller and appears to work as designed. I installed up high near but not at water surface 25-40% and had allow reverse on. In forward mode it is dead silent but in reverse (25-40%) it is very noisy. anyone else experience this and what did you do to eliminate...
  4. NanoReefer2025

    Annoying Return Pump Noise

    Hello everyone. Today, I came across a bit of an issue with the return pump that came with my Waterbox Peninsula Mini 25. It is SUPER noisy and I can’t seem to find the source. It isn’t touching the walls of the AIO chamber that it is in or anything like that. It has happened before, but it...
  5. Lylelovett

    My new Tunze 6105s - pretty darn noisy?

    Hi all, I just fired up my new 6105s and they're pretty darn noisy - like a loud refrigerator volume level-wise in my living room. :) So loud that if they don't quiet down, I'm going to have to return them. :( The posts I've read seem to say they will quiet down in 2-4 weeks. Is that correct...
  6. Lylelovett

    My new Tunze 6105s- pretty darn noisy?!

    Hi all, I just fired up my new 6105s and they're pretty darn noisy - like a loud refrigerator volume level-wise in my living room. :) So loud that if they don't quiet down, I'm going to have to return them. :( The posts I've read seem to say they will quiet down in 2-4 weeks. Is that...
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