nitrite cycle stalled

  1. S


    Hello! New to the aquarium game . I have a few cycling questions maybe someone can help me. I’ve been cycling my Orbit (jellyfish tank) tank for about a month. I did the shrimp method, and my ammonia spiked to 4ppm. Everything seem on track. However, testing a few times I noticed my Nitrite...
  2. K

    Cycling salt water tank stuck at nitrite stage

    I’m currently doing a fishless cycle. I’ve used turbo which is help a ton and moved the cycle a long tremendously. And now it seems like my ammonia is going down to around 0.5/0.25 in a 24 hour period which i think is pretty good. I dosed the tank with 2-3 ppm. As for my nitrites and nitrates...
  3. ajtomase

    Potential stuck cycle

    Hello, I'm currently on day 13 of Dr. Tim's cycle and have been following his schedule for starting my cycle. I've dosed his ammonium chloride on his designated days, and dosed my 200 gallon tank with his One and Only on day 1 and another day on day 10 after email dissuasions with his team. My...
  4. X

    Cycle: Is This Normal?

    Hey Guys, I am new to reef keeping but have been keeping freshwater for over 10 years. 8-11th of November started my tank with DR tims - temp: 29 degrees Celcius - slightly lowered salinity 1.020 On the 18th November is when is started to see Nitrites. (7 days) Today is the 28th November and...
  5. bert236

    Need advice for cycle

    Hello, I have started cycling my tank about two weeks ago now. I started by using 4oz of fritz turbo start for my 65 gallon tank then dosed dr tims ammonia up to over 2ppm. It’s quickly fell and nitrites went up over 1ppm( top limit for Red Sea kit I have) and never came back down. Meanwhile my...
  6. F

    Cycling new tank - Nitrite won't go down (week 6.5)

    Hello everyone! I recently bought a 4 feet (100g) tank but we're having problems with our cycle. You can see my pics below! To give context, here is our detailed timeline for your understanding. In blue are the key events that I did. 1. Day 1 - our DT came but there was a scratch on the...
  7. N

    Nitrites being pesky

    Alrighty, so I have a 20gal tank I've been running for a little over a month. The cycle was started with instant ocean salt and Fritz turbo start. I put 2 goby's, a shrimp and 2 clowns in the tank to start the cycle after being encouraged by my LFS. 3 weeks into the cycle, the fish were removed...
  8. kiddkobireefs

    Cycling High Nitrites While Ammonia Is Lowering

    I’ve been testing my tank everyday to monitor my cycle. Cycle has been going on for over a month now. My nitrites have continually been high right now for the past 3-4 days at 2-5ppm. My ammonia read 2.0ppm for a few days and has gone to 1ppm as of today but my nitrites are still sitting between...
  9. ngservet5

    Nitrite Levels High after Dr. Tim's Fishless Cycle

    Hi Everyone, I have been cycling a 20 gallon Waterbox Cube with marco rock and live sand now for 5 weeks. I started this tank doing a fish less cycle with Dr. Tim's One and Only along with his ammonium chloride. After following his instructions and doing the ammonium chloride dosing, by day 4 I...
  10. Peter K

    During cycle, nitrates have risen to 30ppm but nitrites are stalled at 1ppm

    Hi all, I just finished up week 6 of our cycle but am still detecting nitrites at around 1ppm (using salifert test kit. I have no ammonia, or very little, according to salifert ammonia test kit) but my nitrates have risen from 5ppm on August 5th to around 30-35ppm now. Nitrites have...
  11. KentuckyReefer

    need help! Tank stalled on nitrite

    I have a 55 gallon reef tank. About 45lbs of dry rock added. 20 gallons in sump. Around 40lbs live sand. Ammonia is at 0ppm, nitrite is off the chart, nitrate is around 20ppm. Saw the ammonia spike and it went down. Now nitrite will not go down. I no that notoriety is not harmful unless in large...