
  1. Imnotjakeyv

    FritzZyme 9 nitrifying bacteria question

    Hey just curious if Fritz 9 is supposed to have little floaty bits in it. my water is usually very clear and I shook up the bottle and dumped it all in and now the tank looks like a blizzard is going on in there.
  2. DanSavesTheDay

    Live Bio-Media in container?

    I just had a friend of mine cycle some of my bio media bricks in his sump for a few weeks and had picked it up today. My question is if I can leave the bio-media in a container for a few days in the same saltwater it was cycled in. Will it require a heater or surface agitation? My reason...
  3. Scape

    If you had to choose, which one would it be? Fluval or Api?

    Hello all, Just a quick question to all my fellow reefers, if you had to choose between one of these two products of nitrifying bacteria like if you had no other choice (gun to head type situation...bit extreme but you get my just)..what would it be: Fluval biological enhancer...
Geo's Reef