nitrate reduction

  1. A

    High Nitrate, 0 nitrite and 0-0.25ppm ammonia

    Hi reef people! I'm very new to the hobby and could use some advice. So I have my 75 gal tank as seen in the pic. I have two oscarella clowns right now in there. -I'm doing once a month 20% water changes. - once a month fluval 307 filter cleaning - have the protein skimmer seen there - have...
  2. D

    California Filters Drygoods Korallin BioDenitrator Nitrate Filter S-1502 w/ Eheim 1048 Pump

    I have this for sale in good condition. $230 shipped. This is extremely effective keeping your nitrates low in a reef tank. Pls text for faster response (818)703-3993
  3. FishguyJosh

    Possible to quantify nitrate removal rate for a reactor?

    I have a 180 gallon Fowlr tank with nitrates that run between 60 and 80 ppm (post and pre water change respectively). Based on the consistency of my water changes (25% per week), I can infer that the weekly nitrate increase is around 20 ppm. I have some big fish in there so there is quite the...
  4. DJTJ

    Nitrates are sky high in established tank. What should I do?

    Hey yall, my Red Sea Reefer 350 has been running for around 4 years now and apparently, I am still struggling with high nitrates. Tested again today and saw that the API kit read 160 ppm (dark red). The weird thing is that all my fish are healthy and corals are all growing, so I do not know if I...
  5. Sitthanon

    Really high nitrates... Low phosphate

    Hi, Recently started my new aquarium and now after the cycle i messured 25ppm nitrate.. did a water change and it went down a bit 15ppmish I would say. 2 days later i tested again and the nitrate were 50ppm did a water change and it barely budged. Next day(today) it's showing 100ppm. tested...
  6. ReeferMadne55

    High Nitrates

    Hi guys, so I am brand new to this community and I figured I’d ask a few questions. I have been keeping aquariums on and off most of my life. I just recently started getting back into the hobby and I set up a new 40 gallon FOWLR tank about a month ago. I used Fritz Turbostart 900 to cycle the...
  7. ReefBud508

    Whats a few good macro types to add to a reef tank itself ?

    Looking to add a couple types of macro to my reef tank to break up the corals looking for a more natural look for my tank ...also in return having them also be a food source and a nutrient reducing livestock any suggestions I'm new to the whole macro algae thing but i hear nothing but good...
  8. Jimmyneptune

    High nitrates

    I am having an issue with high nitrates in my reef and I am trying to lower them. It was round 100 about 3 weeks ago. I changed my filters and resin on my RODI and have 0 TDS. I did a 30% water change. I also cleared out some old sponges and detritus that was in my sump. That brought my...
  9. Danh Ngo

    Lower nitrate for new Anemone

    Need help on lowering my nitrate. The carpet anemone is on its way. My tank nitrate is a bit high. Can I do several water change in 2-3 days to lower nitrate? Nitrate lvl : 20ppm I forgot to check my nitrate recently. Any idea? I see many people use redsea No3PO4x but some thread said that...
  10. pluikens

    20 ppm Nitrate/0.06 ppm Phosphate - Cure my analysis paralysis!

    Tank Info: 40 gallon DT 20 gallon sump Salinity: 1.025 SG Alk: 9 dKH Calc: 490 ppm Mag: 1480 ppm Ammonia: 0 ppm Nitrite: 0 ppm Nitrate: 20 ppm Phosphate: 0.06 ppm Mag, alk, calc tested with Red Sea Foundation Pro test kit. Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate tested with Red Sea Marine Pro test kit...
  11. Jackcarp

    ISO Macroalgae/Chaeto

    Trying to reduce some of my nitrates (ie hair algae growth) and would like to add some Chaeto and maybe some other beneficial types of macroalgae in my fuge. I am planning on adding a Kessil H80 light as well. Looking for someone that may be harvesting some of theirs. Gladly will pay for it...
  12. W

    High phosphate/nitrate

    I've finished cycling my 40-gallon AIO reef tank and added five corals about a week ago. They are hardy species: two acans, one frogspawn, one leather and a fungia. All appear ok, and have eaten mysis when I target fed them. Ammonia and nitrite are zero, nitrate is 4 or 5, pH is about 8.2...
  13. Teri Williamson

    About me and my tank

    I first was exposed to a saltwater mixed reef aquarium on a third date with my, now, husband. He had a 55 gallon tank and I fell in love. Now, we have a 150 gallon tank on our main level across from our breakfast table - where we now eat every meal. We have a refugium, return tank, chiller, ATO...
  14. Jim Scannell

    (not just) curing dry live Fiji rock

    I've read everything I could find on curing dry live rock and basically they just state how to get it safe to put in the display tank. My goal is to make the rock a biological powerhouse, not just safe. I got my 100g reef tank last November. It was set up for 2 years before I bought it from a...
  15. MICU murse

    Media reactor vs sulfur reactor

    I have been battling high nitrates for a while now and my research has led me to sulfur reactors. My question is one derived from laziness and cheapness. Can I use an all purpose media reactor as a sulfur reactor? I recognize sulfur reactors require low flow, i have a t on my return pump with a...
  16. MICU murse

    NItrate reduction

    I have a 55 gallon tank with a 20 or so gallon sump. I have a protein skimmer rated for 120g tank, dragons breath macro algae, 2 4" filter socks I change twice weekly in addition to 20gallon water changes weekly. I have a moderate amount of rock and I also use xport bio and xport no3. I have...
  17. 1

    Need Water Change Advice

    Hey everyone, I have a 125gal DT and probably a 10-15 gal sump. I plan on doing a 10 gal water change from the DT but I have a feeling that its too little. It is currently a FOWLR system with 2 snails, 3 shrimps, and 12 fish. Would it be bad if I did 10 gal changes every 2-3 days to get...
  18. beyer

    Nitrate ppm during cycle

    I'm a beginner and I'd like for anyone to comment on my parameters and add suggestions please. I am on day 24 of my tank cycle using Red Sea's reef mature pro kit. Tank Setup - 29 gallon bowfront - 25 lbs dry rock - 20 lbs live sand - Protein Skimmer - Canister filter Tank Parameters • PH...
  19. LV3

    0 Nitrates so I dosed Sodium Nitrate

    Seems this is a popular topic lately and with BRSTV's episode on chaeto and refugium lighting I thought I would share my experience with low nitrates. About 45 days ago I switched over to the Kessil H380 and started growing chaeto like it was my job. Not knowing when I should prune it, I let it...
  20. potatocouch

    What is this pink slime (after Carbon dosing)? What should I be doing?

    The No3 has now come down to almost undetectable. It was approx. 40 ppm and has taken its course over few months time. I have now cut down the dose to half and perhaps I'm still overdosing as I found pink slime all over my sump. I don't know if I'm supposed to leave it there or pull it out...
  21. potatocouch

    When do you dose that Carbon?

    Be that NoPox, Vinegar, Sugar, Whiskey, et al. The question is when do you dose em? Morning, Afternoon, Night, Late Night, Dawn? Or when the light is starting, when the light off? Is there a commonly accepted consensus on when should Carbon be dosed? W H E N?
  22. Kyle Rinker

    Sugar Dosing...?

    I am planning on starting carbon dosing and was expecting to start using vinegar through my dosing pump for convenience. I am aware that some folks have also successfully used standard table sugar for carbon dosing. So, my question is this: since I want to use a dosing pump, is there any reason...
  23. R

    Need help with new saltwater tank (lowering nitrate and increasing ph)

    This is my first saltwater tank and any information you guys can give my is appreciated. Specs: -29 Gallon (picture of tank: -1 600GPD Powerhead (aimed slightly down) -84 Degrees Fahrenheit (in process of lowering this to 80) -1.022 Gravity / 30 PPT -Around 7.4 pH...
  24. F

    No water change reef tank?

    I recently have been spending time learning more about no water change systems that I have known about for years. Does anyone have any information on these or feedback? I am planning a HUGE reef tank and a no water change system like this is very appealing. One company I came across was this...
  25. 20 gallon nano

    Do I still need gfo or rowaphos if I run bio pellets?

    I'm looking into starting up a reactor with bio pellets for the first time and I would like to know if anybody is still running a phosphate removal media with the use of bio pellets. My phosphates are at around .07 running rowaphos. Would I be starving the bacteria in the bio pellets if I would...