nitrate level of 0

  1. K

    Dissapearing Nitrates

    Hello to all, I have a 2 month old 10 gal tank with soft corals and a small clownfish. I had some algae that I was allowing to grow and it started dying off. I tested and nitrates slowly went from 10ppm to 0pmm in less than I week. I believe that now dinos are showing up (thats why I preferred...
  2. P

    How to carefully raise nitrate level of 0 ppm to 3 ppm

    Hi, I’m cycling my 64 liters saltwater tank for approx. 2 months. About 1 week ago the Nitrate Level exploded suddenly from 5 ppm to 25 ppm. And the Nitrite level increased from 0 to 0.4 ppm. If have no fish or corals in my tank. My goal is to have both of them in the near future after the tank...
Reef Diaper