
  1. B

    Need help with ID nuisance algae cyano or Dino?

    Last two weeks my take has been taken over by this ugly stuff and I’m not positive what it is and I do not want to take action if it is the wrong ID and course of action. If anyone could help me figure it out I would greatly appreciate it! Thanks in advance!
  2. G

    Nano Build 15 gallon Im build thread

    Hi reef2reef community I just recently got my tank about a month ago I added water Sunday with live rock and live sand. I have the light otw it will be here around Monday i was hoping that I could ask a couple questions like what wave maker would be good I have one but it pushes the sand around...
  3. G

    Trying to figure out what is the best light for my 15g innovative marine tank/ any tips for a new reefer would be really appreciated.

    first off I'm new and I would like to say hi to everyone that is the reefing community. I have a 15 gallon tank and i cant decide what light is best. at first i was going to go with a ai prime 16hd but after some research I have found out that there lens burn up really fast and one thing I don't...
  4. ScurvyFrog

    Build Thread IM 15 Cube - Rookie Build Thread

    Hello all! Getting back into the hobby after about 20 years - (I last maintained a tank for a marine biology class back in high school). Picked up the IM 15 Cube (basic package with the filer sock and tiny pump) and added a few upgrades to my set up. - Built a home water station for RODI and...
  5. M

    Quarantine Tank Cycle?

    I’m planning on starting a new setup with the reefer 350. I want to also build a simple quarantine tank and keep my fish in there while my main tank is cycling(20gal). Now my question is; do I need to cycle the quarantine tank? Or will I be fine if I have the right parameters? along with right...
  6. Z

    Nitrites high after one day of Dr. Tim’s One and Only

    Hello, I started my first saltwater aquarium tank (29g) yesterday and added Dr. Tim’s One And Only. Before that my ammonia was at .25 ppm and nitrites were at zero. I used dr Tim’s ammonia and raised the ammonia to 2 ppm. 24 hours later, the ammonia read 1 ppm and nitrites read I believe 3 ppm...
Printed Reef - Custom Reef Accessories