
  1. Pelagikos

    Acclimation of different species simultaneously?

    Tomorrow, I'll be receiving a shipment of 3 Zebra Barred Dartfish(Ptereleotris zebra), 1 Tomini Tang, 1 Neon blue Goby (Gobiosoma oceanops) and 1 Firefish (Nemateleotris magnifica). I'd like to acclimate them all at the same time? How would you suggest I go about breaking up the buckets into as...
  2. JGTPA

    Coral Beauty Not Eating. Any Ideas?

    Looking for any and all advice. I added a Coral Beauty 10 days ago to my 5 & a half month old system. The fishy had been at a trusted LFS for about 3 weeks & was eating mysis & pellets. I can not get this fish to show even a remote interest in food. She hangs out in the very top left corner of...
  3. R

    Maroon clown bullied by cherub angelfish?

    i think my cherub angelfish pair is bothering my new maroon clown. He is currently single since I’m trying to grow him out alone into a female, but he seems to have some nipping on his tail. (Video with lights on morning, and without light from tonight). Is that a normal part? I’ve read that...
  4. JeezeReefs

    Blood Red Hawkfish

    So today I added a Blood Red Hawkfish to my current Nano system. He’s really small and a good size for my tank. However.... I’m worried about aggression.... I currently also have an Orchid Dottyback in my tank and i’m wondering if I just brewed the perfect situation for disaster... It’s still...
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