
  1. agame2021

    Foxface rabbitfish

    So I got my first 2 fish today a purple fire fish goby(was supposed to be just a fire fish goby but the company sent me the wrong one…) and a foxface rabbit fish. So I noticed my wave maker was just way too much for these little guys! So I turned it all the way down. The the foxface kept trying...
  2. F

    My Tank - stocking help and advice - new here thanks

    Hi Guys, TLDR: I would like help with stocking. Should I rearrange my rock work to stop aggression when adding new fish. Ways to get fish to eat in qt Would these fish be good to add: any points of importance to know. This is my first time creating a post so I hope its in the right spot...
  3. yanksfan11

    Adding fish

    Starting up with my first saltwater tank (30 gallon) and I had a couple of questions for you pros out there. Been cycling my tank now for about 3 1/2 weeks and looking to finally introduce a couple of clownfish maybe this weekend and then introduce a couple other fish in a few weeks. I've...
  4. lazycouch

    does your oscellaris do this?

    hey guys i was wondering if there’s something going on with my clown. he’s about 1.5weeks in and he does this every now and then but i can’t seem to tell if he’s trying to get oxygen or if he’s hunting for pods somehow?? i’d think low oxygen levels would make him more desperate to reach the...
  5. Mwag

    Royal Gramma Stressed out????

    Hello all, yesterday I naught a Royal Gramma from my LFS. I floated him for 15 mins and every 4 mins I put half a cup of water from my qt tank into the bag. By this time, the Royal Gramma was significantly stressed darting back and forth in the bag but he settled down. I added him to qt tank and...
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