new tank cycle

  1. B


    Hey guys, I am getting back into the hobby again and have a 45 gallon tank. The dimensions are 2ft high, 1ft depth, and 3ft long. I am going to be putting this in a wall near my kitchen and am very excited to get this started. I have some knowledge on salt water tanks. Not an expert by any...
  2. EyeofAwe

    Cycle Tank equipment Question

    Hello, I have a 65g w/ 15g sump. It is a brand new build I received all my equipment except my circulation pumps. My question is can I start to cycle my tank with just the return pump?
  3. 777_Aquatics

    New guys in my tank

    What’s up guys here is some pictures of my 2 new hermit crabs I added today. Looks like they are loving it. I bought some algae pellets for them to eat since I don’t have algae growing right now. Let me know what you all think!!
  4. 777_Aquatics

    new tank

    Hey guys new tank set up here, i got a Waterbox 15 peninsula. So far the water has been cycling for 3 days straight, i have had a couple days already where i had to add some water because the pump was running dry. I am assuming that it is evaporating? either way the water is staying clear and...
  5. P

    Nitrites and Nitrates way too high during cycle?

    Hello all, I finally set up my 180L (47.5 G) DT a few days before my clownfish finished their QT (30days of cuppramine and 1 week of Prazi. They didn't have anything but I did it just as a preventative measure) and once I put my water, dry rock, sand and filter running, I added a bottle of Fritz...
Dinkins Aquatic Gardens