new tank 16

  1. SaltyShel

    New Fish

    Hey y’all!! Hope everyone is well. I have a 16g biocube I just set up, it’s a bare bottom with dry rock. I put some biospira in it but I don’t have any fish in there. i have a tank running that has a fish in it but I got it from my dad about 9 months ago, already set up with a fish & CUC, so...
  2. SaltyShel

    BioCube 16 LED

    Hey y’all so I have a BioCube 16 (as you can see by the title lol) and I guess it was used but I didn’t know this until I went to start cycling, so I ran a water/vinegar solution for about a week. Now I’m at the point where I’m trying to get it ready for the cycle and I noticed the light has...
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