new saltwater

  1. LxHowler

    How fast can I drop my alk

    So I made a post earlier asking about new salt and I have since bought the tropic Marin salt. I was looking for salt with lower dkh as I prefer to run lower and the salt I was using was inconsistent and mixed wildly different figures each time I used it. So now I have picked my new salt I was...
  2. LxHowler

    What salt do you use and how to change

    I have been using h2ocean pro mix on my tank since I started it on recommendation by my LFS, I was a complete newby then and went off of what they said. Now I have been doing this a little while I am looking at changing salt as the h2oceans alk mixes alot higher than I would like, I try to keep...
  3. P

    New to saltwater! 75 gallon set up. Need tips and help.

    I just got into saltwater fish. I have take. Care of freshwater for a while and I wanted to try saltwater. I got a 75 gallon with a c360 mairinland canister filter. I have a hand on the back protine skimmer. 2 wave makers from amazon. I have had 2 clowns for 2 weeks then I went and got a fire...
  4. Z

    new to saltwater

    hello, well as the tittle says i am completely new to saltwater tanks i have owned freshwater but i wanted to move on. i recently got a 20 gallon aqueon tank kit and wanted to do nano reef tank. the reason i am positing here is to see what i need apart from what came with the kit and to help me...