new photos

  1. Maven

    New 60 cube build

    Tank has been up and running 8 months now. Switched over from a 55 long with a canister. The sump has made life a million times easier. Currently have a sailfin tang, yellow wrasse, 3 bar gobi especially, lawnmower blenny and a mandarin. Adding clown pair this week more pictures to come. Been in...
  2. 1979fishgeek

    Hammer or Frogspawn???

    hi guys need your help.... I LOVE euphyllia species, particularly torch, frogspawn and hammer (in that order) so I don't know if wishful thinking is making me see things that's not there. I picked up a Euphyllia today which was described as 'Wall Hammer' from a reefer who's shutting down his...
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