new light

  1. M

    New Hipargero 100 watt light thoughts?

    Anyone have this light? I think it’s new and made by the same people that made the 30 watt hipargero A029 light. Wondering if I should upgrade to it from the 30 watt hipargero. Currently have a standard 20 gallon mixed reef tank. Any thoughts or opinions?
  2. E

    Kessil Ap9x help

    So I finally got the Ap9x in the mail today and hanging over my tank, the app is so confusing, I don’t know what to set the light to and trying to make a “custom” profile is so confusing, I just want my light to ramp up for two hours 8 a.m to 10:00 a.m then ramp down for 2 hours from 4:00 pm to...