new fish problem

  1. bri.reffin

    bengai cardinal unhealthy

    my first pair of saltwater fish 2 cardinals. 1 is active when the return pump is on and off and the other seems to be breathing unusual and barley eating. its normal for cardinals to stay in the same spot but something seems wrong, should i quarantine
  2. chonsworth

    New Watchman Goby never in the sand

    Yesterday (2023-02-08) I put in a new Watchman Goby with a pistol shrimp and a Splendid Dottyback (from into my aquarium. They joined an azure damselfish, cleaner shrimp and 2 clownfish. As I understand it, these gobies should almost always be in the sand or perching. But...
  3. mia424

    Banggai cardinalfish hiding and not eating

    I am currently in the process of starting my first saltwater aquarium which is a 120 gallon FOWLR. Yesterday I got my first fish, a banggai cardinalfish. It is currently in my 10 gallon QT tank before it will go in the display. Since I got it yesterday, it has been hiding in the corner of the...
  4. G

    New Bi-color angel... can't get it to eat

    I recently purchased a bi-color angel around 3 inches for my saltwater tank. I have had him for about a week and he barely eats any of the frozen mysis shrimp that I feed the whole tank. He does eat the seaweed that I attached to clips. Any ideas on how to get him to eat protein? Any help is...
  5. Reefer9871

    EMERGENCY What is this on my Melanarus Wrasse?

    Hey fellow reefers! I desperately need some help figuring out what is going on with my melanarus wrasse. A week ago I added him to my what was a coral and inverts only 29 gallon biocube. He is the only fish in the tank. He hid out for 2 days after I introduced him into the tank. After day 2 he...