new fish

  1. E

    Sohal tang addition

    Hello, I have a 5 month old Fowlr tank that only has 3 fish. A 4 inches powder brown tang , a 6 inches scopas tang and a 7 inches foxface. I am thinking about adding a sohal tang and I would like to know what would be the largest tang I could get. Could the tang be 12 inches or would the size...
  2. Lex_510

    Do I still quarantine

    Do I still have to quarantine the fish if I’m buying a fish from a local person that is getting out the hobby breaking down their tank? Shouldn’t the fish already be quarantine from being in their tank alive and well
  3. 777_Aquatics

    New hermit crabs

    what’s up guys check out my new hermit crabs that I got today. Doing pretty well in the tank adapting to the new environment. Tomorrow is water change day so we will see how it looks tomorrow 2- Scarlett hermit crabs 2- Halloween hermit crabs 3- electric blue hermit crabs
  4. C

    Haven’t seen new diamond goby since I added it 3 days ago. At what point should I be worried?

    About 3 days ago I added a diamond goby to my tank. I don’t have much experience with them myself but from what I can gather it seems like it’s not unusual to not see them for a while after they are added to a tank. My question is at what point should I be concerned? I think I know what rock...
  5. J

    Is this ICH?

    Exactly 2 weeks into quarantine of these new fish I got from LiveAquaria. Been doing 50% water changes every 2-3 days. Had a Cardinalfish disappear (only to be found dead after tearing apart the tank). Netted the remaining 2 Cardinalfish and French Angelfish and moved them to a small bowl while...
  6. S

    I’m looking for new fish

    I’m looking to add more fish to my tank, I have a 32 gallon bio cube with 2 clownfish and a fire shrimp. This is my first tank but I’m really on top of everything so I think I can handle some more advanced fish.
  7. mia424

    New Clownfish Pair!

    Hello, I am new to the hobby and just wanted to share the new clownfish I just got today! I got a black ice and an ocellaris and they are already swimming with each other and getting along well in QT with my Banggai Cardinalfish that I got a few weeks ago. Let me know if you have any tips/advice...
  8. G

    60 gallon fish stocking list

    Hello all, just looking for suggestions for fish stocking on a 60gal long that I’m getting today. I currently have 2 clowns 1 purple fire fish 1 royal gramma 1 lawnmower blenny 1 diamond goby 1 peppermint shrimp 1 pistol shrimp 1 fire shrimp 1 cleaner shrimp 1 tiger conch 1 urchin 1...
  9. Caleb1266

    Suggest A Fish

    Alright I have an 8’ 150g AIO FOWLR tank, and I am looking for 1 or 2 fish to add to the tank. It is currently housing the following: 4” Red Tooth Trigger 4” Foxface Lo 5” Volitan Lionfish 3” Falco Hawkfish 8” Yellowhead Moray Eel 7” Snowflake Eel I am looking to add something that can handle...
  10. thereefhotspot

    How to Acclimate Saltwaterfish

    Check out our new YouTube video on how to acclimate your saltwater fish! (Click the link not the picture) Visit our website: How do you guys acclimate your fish? What do you think of the video? Like and subscribe for more! #saltwaterfish #reeftank #coral...
  11. Afkomjorgen

    Acclimating shipped fish

    My fish are shipping from ORA to my LFS about an hour away. I have asked the lfs to not open the shipping bags or add the fish to their system. the plan? — prep new salt water & bring to temp. Temp acclimate fish. Add the fish to the new salt water in buckets & drip acclimate to match ph and...
  12. ajtomase

    Order of adding fish to new tank (after cycle)

    I’m getting Red Sea Reefer 750 (200 gallon) tank in 2 weeks. After my tank is done with Dr. Tim’s fish-less cycle, I’m not sure if this is the right order to add the fish that I want: Right after tank finishes fish-less cycle Clownfish (2) After 2-weeks with just clownfish (each species added...
  13. ajtomase

    Order of adding fish to new tank (after cycle)

    I’m getting Red Sea Reefer 750 (200 gallon) tank in 2 weeks. After my tank is done with Dr. Tim’s fish-less cycle, I’m not sure if this is the right order to add the fish that I want: Right after tank finishes fish-less cycle Clownfish (2) After 2-weeks with just clownfish (each species added...
  14. ajtomase

    acclimate new fish (bag has ammonia blockers)

    I'll be getting the first clownfish for my tank from someone who is quarantining them for me and they informed me they ship their fish in water between 1.024-1.026 and has ammonia blockers in the bag. I know that when I open the bag, the increase of oxygen will raise the pH which will also raise...
  15. ajtomase

    New fish acclimation (w/ammonia blockers)

    I'll be getting the first clownfish for my tank from someone who is quarantining them for me and they informed me they ship their fish in water between 1.024-1.026 and has ammonia blockers in the bag. I know that when I open the bag, the increase of oxygen will raise the pH which will also raise...
  16. V

    Suggestions for next fish in aqua one 300

    Hi all I have a 300 litre tank with sump that has been running for around 6 months. I currently have a royal gramma, and two small Ocellaris clownfish. I am looking for suggestions on my next fish or few future fish. I have done some googling but articles online seem to disagree with the...
  17. Tomorrow's Waters

    I would like a new utilitarian fish - suggestions?

    Hey everyone! I need a new fish for my 60 gallon for biological purposes. That being said, I would like this fish to be a utilitarian fish to keep alongside my 6 line wrasse. It is likely that this fish will be moved to a 135 gallon in a few months. The tank is bare bottom and has little live...
  18. leilanastasia

    How do you QT Mandarin Dragonet?

    I’m wondering if anyone has tips about how to quarantine dragonets. I am in a fallow period right now and will be for awhile but once I am out of the fallow period, I will be purchasing two dragonets. Ruby red and a Spotted Mandarin. I have a great quarantine system up and running right now, but...
  19. maugustine

    Bored anyone have any cool pictures to share??

    I am working on automation right now so haven’t been able to add anything cool.. anyone have any cool new fish or coral pics to share?? Btw - automation meaning apex Neptune components..
  20. EstelleNJarrod

    Would love to see your new additions! Here are a few of ours.

    Just sitting on this cold night admiring our fish. Just picked up a few new guys and gals and they’re happy little fishes. What have you added recently?
  21. Davar93

    Treating with copper & quarantine

    Hey guys just to make sure I am doing this right and got my mass right as I do not want to kill any fish. I am using this for a quarantine tank that I have set up for some new fish that I got who look good but Wanna qt still. I am looking to treat 7 gallons and want to read 2ppm? So 70 drops...
  22. Zoa_Fanatic

    New clowns not wanting to eat much.

    I got some new clowns two days ago. They’re tiny. Maybe 1.5” long. They don’t seem to want to eat much they just wanna cruise around the tank at full speed. I’m feeding the same food the pet store I got them at fed them. They’re frostbite ocellaris. Is this normal? Short video of the clowns...
  23. maugustine

    New baby.. purple tang!

    Wanted to share a few pics of my new baby purple tang!! He is eating and has made friends already!!
  24. itselenababe

    Bangaii m or f??

    We got 3 bangaiis today and put them in qt but we have no idea if they’re m/f/both. What do you think?? I put a coloured dot to represent each one if that helps I’ve looked at a bunch of pictures but can’t figure out the whole vent thing. I tried feeding them to see if it would help but they...
  25. Sablah

    Tang in QT breathing fast, not eating, has mouth damage?

    I got a Whitetail Bristletooth Tang from LA's Diver's Den. It arrived yesterday and I put him in QT tank. It swam around for a few minutes and then has been hiding in the PVC ever since. I kept the lights out and so I didn't get to observe it all that well, but I didn't notice it breathing...
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