new cycle

  1. R


    Hi All, My name is Raj, Living in Michigan. New to aquariums. Physician by profession. I am really glad to find this forum. Started exploring aquariums after my daughter asked for a small fish tank. After multiple trips to local fish store, impressed with reef and salt water ecosystems and...
  2. SARA00

    Please help a confused noobie.

    Hi! I've researched A LOT of cycling a new tank and there is just so many ways I'm kinda confused on what do to. I'm 10 days in with a brand new 29 gallon tank. I've added 25lbs of LIVE rock with purple coralline algae and LIVE sand into my tank. Couple snails and a baby pink starfish were...
  3. Cmcdowell666

    Cycling question

    I started my cycle on 11/13/19. Ten days in now looking to see if I’m heading on track with levels. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Champion Lighting & Supply