new coral

  1. Mattc123

    New acan placement and health

    Hey everyone! I had an acan shipped to me yesterday and I just wanted a few opinions on my placement and how healthy it looks. It's been in the tank about 16 hours now and I'm not sure whether he should've opened up or not yet or what an acan even really looks like open in person as I've never...
  2. B

    Is my new Acan Healthy?

    I recently purchased my first Acan coral. After I acclimated and put it in I noticed that you can see its skeleton. I heard that this may be a really bad sign. It has been in the tank three days now and seems okay. In Short does my Acan look okay? and if not what can I do to help it. Thank you!
  3. Jcastro8562

    Torch ID?

    Got this new torch, wondering if anyone knows an existing name for this guy:) thanks in advance
  4. Leon Gorani

    Any tips for my new goniapora? TSA Sweet Heart Goni.

    I bought a top shelf aquatics Sweet Heart Goni and it was doing alright when I first got it in the tank. I have 5 other goniapora that are in my tank doing really well from what I can see. Will post pics of those for comparison. Not much has changed in my tank since I put this new one in. But...
  5. C

    White spot on favites?

    Hello all! New to the hobby! Is this white spot/substance coming out of my favites something I should be concerned about? It is located at the bottom of my tank in low to medium flow and medium lighting. Thanks for your help!
  6. G

    Thinking about coral, no idea what to do.

    Hello! So I currently have a 55 gal FOWLR tank. It’s now about 4 months old. Has been cycled for a month or so. I am new to the reef tank hobby and I believe I have a decent handle on maintaining a healthy/happy tank. I’ve definitely made some mistakes in the beginning and have learned so much...
  7. shawnriv

    New Frags - How Long Will They Last in Plastic Bags?

    I just picked up some Acropora frags from a local reefer and his alkalinity was 9.0. I just checked my current tank and I’m down to 6.8 dkh. How long is it safe to keep those frags in their bags (floating in my sump) until I raise my tank’s dkh to 9.0? Thank you.
  8. maugustine

    Bored anyone have any cool pictures to share??

    I am working on automation right now so haven’t been able to add anything cool.. anyone have any cool new fish or coral pics to share?? Btw - automation meaning apex Neptune components..

    New LPS, SPS, & Softies Are In Stock!

    Hey Reefers! We've got brand new pieces added to the site and you’ve gotta see them! Check out some of our favorites below. ⬇️ Shop confidently with our 3-DAY GUARANTEE and don't forget to take advantage of our FREE SHIPPING on all orders over $199. Check out our site for more. We have the...
  10. Alphadave248

    Build Thread Just in- 18 frags from WWC

    Here is the haul from last weekends huge WWC sale. I was able to buy 18 and they came in today! I will continue to update with growth and progress.
  11. ajtomase

    As many fish as possible in 56 gallon tank

    Hi everyone! I'm looking at a 56 gallon tank and I want to have as many fish/coal/invertibrates as possible. I'd love to have as much color, variety, and movement in my tank as possible. Is it still the 1" per gallon rule? Thanks! I also plan on adding several invertebrates I'm also...
  12. S

    Is my torch ok?

    I recently got a torch coral. It is my first coral and I am trying to do everything right. I acclimated it yesterday through the drip method then used dip and checked all over for eggs and stuck on hitchhikers. I placed it in the tank and it was closed up. Over night it opened up and is still...
  13. M

    New coral

    I got this new Coral but when I looked on the internet I didn’t see any coral like it it’s a pineapple brain coral I was wondering if someone could tell me if that’s true or what ever it is
  14. Jammiesammie

    New maze coral.... is he ok??

    Hi guys, So I just got me a new maze coral from my LFS. At the store it was waving its feeding tentacles around so looked great! Got home to notice the frag had tonnes of bubble alagae and feather dusters on, so I used reef RX to dip and the quaratined it overnight, and added him to my DT this...
  15. S

    New tank mates?

    Hey everyone! I’ve got a 29 gallon (I’ll add pics) all-in-one aqua top cube. I’ve got two clowns, a watchman goby that I never see, two snails, and three small pieces of coral. Does anyone have any suggestions for new additions to the tank? Try to keep them on the easy side since I’m just...
  16. AquariumSpecialty

    A couple of new coral releases and re-releases

    New Releases. Click on the pictures and they will take you to the corals on our site.
  17. Hugo Garcia

    What coral should I add next?

    Hello guys, how is it going? I’ve added this GSP coral to my tank 2 weeks ago, and I’m very happy with it. I love how it glows under the blue light. And I’m wondering what should I add next? I’m afraid of zoas, because they are toxic, and I’m not sure about pulsing xenias because they don’t glow...
  18. Seth Francis

    Acan mouth protruding after feeding???

    So I introduced two new acan frags and a blasto to my tank this week. They’ve all been dipped and quarintined as best as is possible in my situation. The one frag opened up yesterday and was looking great so today I decided to feed it some reef roids using a tube, dropping small amounts at a...
  19. AQUAM

    Frag rack from scrap acrylic sheet

    Longtime R2R reader, first-time poster. Earlier this morning I received my first batch of online ordered coral frags (3 acros, 2 Montis from & 2 Acros, 2 Lobos, 1 GSP and 1 Dragon Tounge from Here's an acrylic frag rack that I made using a piece of...
  20. BillFragnormous

    Build Thread 14G BioCube - Stripped Bare

    I started my first coral tank just over a month ago (Feb 19th). I completely gutted a 14G Biocube that I had collecting dust in my storage shed that was previously used for dwarf seahorses (and that sadly was an epic fail). I removed all the back area which housed the filtration system. Removed...
  21. inkedtx

    Nano soft coral pack

    Hi guys! My first coral shipment came in yesterday. As it was ordered as a pack there were no specific names on the bags. I'd love help with identifying them. Thanks!
  22. Squirrel_reefer

    Income Tax Ballers

    Whaddup fellow Reefers! It's that time of year again, where everyone will be filing their taxes and getting back all the money they loaned the Government this year (interest free btw). I don't know about you but I feel that being responsible is overrated lol, I plan to spend at least a little...
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