new buld

  1. *kali*

    Build Thread New build-upgrade from 450 cube

    Hi Guys first time poster. was out of the hobby for 8 years then started a 450mm cube ran for just over a year and you guessed it upgrade on the way. this will be a custom build as I wanted a shallow reef and Only 435mm front to back to fit in the area I wanted it in our living room. the tank...
  2. Synergy Reef Systems CL-44

    Synergy Reef Systems CL-44

  3. Haubfather07

    Build Thread HaubFather's First Reef (build + fails STORY)

    Well, I'm going to do what I understand it to be popular to do these days and document the steps of my first reef build.. While writing this, I have my first 2 Spot Tail Bennies, 4 snails (2X Trochus and 2X Nassarius), a Peppermint shrimp and 2 Blue Leg Hermit Crabs in the tank. In an effort to...
Top Shelf Aquatics