new aquarium

  1. Mattc123

    Thoughts and comments on my new 90 gallon setup

    Hi everyone! I've recently been building up my 90 gallon tank setup and I think I've finally just about finished it for now. I'd love to know everyone's thoughts on my aquascape, sump setup, and more! To start, it's a 48x18 marineland corner flow aquarium which I have plumbed with a Herbie...
  2. L

    JBJ 65 gallon aio tank questions

    Hello, I am new to saltwater but not new to aquariums and in the process of starting up a reef tank. I came across the jbj black 65 gallon rimless aio at Petco. I have the vital care 20% plus a couple coupons and my total would be 1162.99 shipped. This includes the stand as well. i feel like...
  3. WouterDumon

    coral combination for a brand new 50 gallon tank

    Hello, My tank is finnaly cycled so i'm going to look for a clean-up crew and slowly adding some corals. The goal for the tank is to be a main Coral tank with just a couple of fishes in it to fill the blank spaces. The corals listed below would be the end-result. Having that said i am...
  4. Jdbrusseau

    New aquarium options

    I am looking to start back up in saltwater. I'm going to be building a 120 gallon mix tank. I have the tank set up using a fluval fx6 and using under gravel filtration with it. The discharge is into three one half inch pylons that I have loofah sponges around to disperse the flow. The goal being...
  5. M

    Hello Would this work to start out an aquarium?

    I want to start an aquarium and I need to cycle the tank. I have heard best practice after cycling the tank is to run the aquarium without the lights on to help keep the bad bacteria at bay. I want to get this started before I move to a new apartment in a couple months… I want the tank to be...
  6. SkittleKittie

    Aquarium Lighting, Lumens/Watts?

    My husband and I stumbled into being marine aquarists. For a while they survived, but now we've learned a lot more and managed to stabilize our tank. We are by no means experts, which we learned is exactly what a 20gal tank is for. So, we're upgrading!! (I also needed more room for more fish )...
  7. A

    Blue Dotted Jawfish Questions

    Hi I eventually I want to get a Blue Dotted Jawfish. I've done a ton of research, read of bunch of post on this forum and have watched alot of youtube videos. After all this I'm still a little confused if my fluval 32.5g Flex can support a Blue Dotted Jawfish. I only have 2inch(2 1/2inchies in...
  8. Lacrette1991

    New 72 Gallon Drilled Aquarium

    Hey all! Been a while since I posted. I just got a free 72 Gallon aquarium that I’m currently testing for leaks as I type. I was given the sump and protein skimmer as well but I have no knowledge as to how it was previously set up. plumbing isn’t really my concerns as to how this skimmer works...
  9. bluerider098

    Timing for Quarantine and Tank Setup when it's your first saltwater Aquarium.

    So I am in the process of setting up my first saltwater aquarium and want to follow the best practices possible. So I am planning on quarantining everything including corals before I put them in my dt. So my questions are as follows: - Do I setup my Dt and qt at the same time and just let my...
  10. MummysReefTank

    Advice on order of fish into tank.

    Hi All! This is my first post; I’ve got the tank up and running and it has been cycling for the past 2 weeks, its only resident a now delightfully bloated (dead) prawn.... and some Dr Tim’s. The tank size is 450l and I'd like people’s recommendations on what order to add the below fish in. They...
  11. poke555mon

    Hello Fish advice and recommendations

    This is my 60 gallon cube tank. I’ve got a sump under that’s got water flowing through it’s maybe 30 gallonsbut it’s not 100% done yet so I’ve also got a hang on filter for now. This is my first tank that I’ve set up at home. I have a B.S. in Marine Biology but that doesn’t mean I know any of...
  12. Meara


    Hello everyone, I’m fairly new to reefing and I was hoping to get some suggestions on types of fish. All of my favourites like to hang out in the rockscape or near the sand and I would like to have some that swim towards the top of the tank in the open water. I have 110g tank the bottom ½ is...
  13. J

    New to hobby, question about parameters during cycle

    Hello! This is my first post, and I am also brand new to the reef aquarium hobby. Here's my question. I'm trying to cycle my 55 gallon aquarium. Salt and temp are all good. I have 2 clowns in the tank after using Dr. Tims One And Only, and have been cycling for 4 days (tracking for 3). I also...
  14. ajtomase

    Planning to get first FOWLR setup

    Hello everyone! I’m doing all my research right now to get my first salt water, fish only with live rock setup. I would like to get a Reefer 625 XXL tank, but I don’t know what other equipment I need. There’s a lot of equipment options out there, but I’m not sure what options out there I would...
  15. N

    Fluval Evo 13.5 Micro Bubbles by Return Pump and Powerhead

    Hey folks, I've recently got into the reefing hobby this week and set up my Fluval Evo 13.5 as my starting tank. I've come to realize that there are a fair amount of tiny air bubbles are around the tank with a majority of them being around the return pump and powerhead along by the protein...
  16. M

    3 out of 9 dead fish.. New hobbyist.. Thoughts on my situation?

    Hi all, Im having issues with my 55 gallon tank. 3 of my fish just died. Hippo, Sailfin, and a raccoon butterfly. My tank has been up and running since May 17th. I started with a Midas Blenny and 2 mocha clown fish (added them about 2 weeks after the tank was set up and running a couple days...
  17. V

    My First Saltwater Tank and First Cycle | Bubbles on the Surface and Bacterial Bloom

    Hello, I'm New into Saltwater Tanks (well, aquariums in general) So, My First Saltwater Aquarium, I've Used the Aquaforest Sea Salt for my 96 Liters Tank and After applying Bio S (The Bacterias) I would say maybe 15 minutes or so, the tank got all cloudy and full of Microbubbles on the surface...
  18. trasor

    What are your thoughts on this new tank? Novice here, so any recommendations on changes or additions are welcome.

    What would you add/change? 3 month old 20g. The orange sponge has been receding since the beginning and there seems to be some bleaching so I’ve cut the light back from 14 hours a day to 10. Also the light gradually increases to 80 percent and then back to zero except the blue light is left...
  19. AshenEmberose

    My First Clownfish Tank

    Hey everyone! After doing tons of morph research, i found the perfect clownfish at my LFS for my future breeding project! This is also my first shot at a saltwater aquarium and its a nano, but I’ve done plenty of research and plan to document everything here to help newer reefers. I used to...
  20. N11morales

    32G Biocube Lighting Settings

    Hello, I have had my biocube for about 2 months now. I have been trying to look at better lighting schedules for my tank. Right now its on for about 12 hrs a day and i have read and been told it should be on no longer than 8-10 hrs a day of lighting. I prefer the lights to turn on around 10 or...
  21. Santiimari

    New Tank owner - Is my Clown sick?

    **Edit- link to clown video Hi guys- cycled a 30G tank for a month. Got two clownfish on Sunday. Did a water change Thursday. One clown spit out all his food, and he’s little so I thought it couldn’t fit in his mouth, I crushed it up and he would take little bits. Went back to the store I...
  22. R

    First Tank Cycle

    Hey everyone, I am new to the hobby and cycling my first tank. I have a 32.5g Fluval Flex. I started the cycle on 3/21. I used Dr Tims One & Only at the start. Inside the tank I've got the Caribsea Arag-Alive sand and Carib Sea Shapes rock. Currently, my readings are: Ammonia: 1 PPM Nitrite...
  23. Vg1

    Should I clean this coral

    I'm about to do a water change and notice the coral has some brown fungas attached is the healthy or should I be removing it the coral comes out still but not as much as it use to.
  24. Jimmy G

    Build Thread Jimmys Red Sea Max 650 build 3 months

    Just wanted to thank everyones posts on this forum, I have took what I thought made sense too me on many, many posts. I think what I learned from doing investigations and reading forums is that there is many ways to do this hobby. By no means I believe that my way is the best way or the...
  25. ParadiseReefMT

    Build Thread 90g Build in Montana

    So, it was suggested I start a build thread for my setup. This is going to likely be a thread that doesn’t get added to often for now, but as the project progresses I will add to it. Progress will be slow, somewhat by design and somewhat by default. I am not one that typically just tosses things...