new additions

  1. SaltyShel

    New Fish

    Hey y’all!! Hope everyone is well. I have a 16g biocube I just set up, it’s a bare bottom with dry rock. I put some biospira in it but I don’t have any fish in there. i have a tank running that has a fish in it but I got it from my dad about 9 months ago, already set up with a fish & CUC, so...
  2. ZWesley

    Curbing aggression towards new additions

    TL;DR loss of fish brings issue of peaceful additions near aggressive six-lined wrasse, how do I deal with the aggressor? Is it better to rid myself of it? Hello all, I recently have run into an issue where I am attempting to add a late addition to my tank after the loss of two flame angels (not...
  3. Afkomjorgen

    Stocking ideas for my new 48 gallon!

    Hey! I just upgraded to a 48! Current set up is 29 bow with two clownfish that’s been running for 2 years. Used to have a diamond goby but he got too big ( wish I’d kept him now, he was a great fish). the new tank is 48 gallons with a 14 gallon sump. what fish could be good additions? I’d...
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