new 55

  1. Wayne Kruger

    Build Thread My Journey Reefing On A Tight Budget 55 Gallon

    Well, where do I begin? I'm a student of Architecture in my beautiful 3rd world country Namibia. A geological location that feels pretty much like the butt side of the world in terms of what is available on the other side of the world. Nonetheless we fellow like minded reefers all have what...
  2. Swanky

    Hello Longtime Ohio lurker, finally joining in!

    Hey all, As stated, longtime 'lurker' of the threads as I've tried to absorb as much information as possible for my relatively basic and small 55g LPS/Softy tank! Figured it would be a good idea to join in on the conversations as I always aim to be a student of the hobby and love seeing the...
  3. DevenB84

    New to hobby wondering how to get started

    Hi everyone, I am currently working on starting a 55 gallon reef tank. I'm glad to finally be getting in to this part of the fish keeping hobby, but it is incredibly intimidating. I would love any advice you guys can give me on keeping this kind of tank started and how to keep it running. Here...
  4. DevenB84

    Hello My Name is Deven, new to the hobby and would love advice

    Hi everyone, My name is Deven and I am currently working on starting a 55 gallon reef tank. I'm glad to finally be getting in to this part of the fish keeping hobby, but it is incredibly intimidating. I would love any advice you guys can give me on keeping this kind of tank started and how to...
Aqua SD