new 40g

  1. J

    40 gal stocking

    Hey guys I have a 40 gallon reef tank set up and it’s almost out of the cycling stage. I plan on keeping hardy corals in there and adding them once the tank is about 3-6 months old, or at least after the algae bloom stage is over. I am thinking of adding the following fish: - 1x Clownfish: I...
  2. S

    40 gal breeder

    I am trying to decide if I want to try a dual internal filter or go the long route and do a diy overflow hob to a 20gal sump. I have never done a saltwater tank before. I do not plan on any coral just maybe 3 or 4 fish. The filter I was looking at is the sicce shark. I had been researching for...
  3. jtone_philthy_aquatics

    Build Thread 40 breeder 20 long sump/ fuge The video clip above is the most recent shot of the 40 breeder that I just cycled and I’m now adding live stock. I will be getting a decent amount of corals in a little less than a week! Can’t wait!! A lot of diy work went into this setup I had some ai primes...
  4. N

    40g clowns

    Hi guys! About 8 weeks into my first build and things are looming good. So far I have two phantom clowns, 2 damsels, a udder chaos, hammerhead and 3 other small frags (plus some hermits and snails). Everythings great, the clowns are new, and they have separated recently and one of them hangs at...
  5. N

    Update on Peninsula 38g AIO FIJI

    So this is my first tank on my own and wanted to hear any thoughts/advice from people. I have right now 3 hermits, 5 snails, 2 damsels, 1 green star polyp, small cluster of zoas and the chaos zoa. All my water parameters are awesome (i haven't tested alk, calc or magn yet tho waiting for test...
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