new 20

  1. jvaughan1355

    Skip Cycle with Live rock and Life Rock ?

    Hey guys, I just started up my second reef tank. Waterbox Cube 20, I built a life rock reef scape and am adding in live rock, some in my mid chamber and some in the display to skip cycle. I know this isn’t a pure skip with the life rock but can I swing it as a skip because of the Live I have in...
  2. N

    Nano Build 20G High First Ever Saltwater Build

    Hello all, It’s a pretty funny story how this 20G build came to be. My GF and I were at uncle bills to get her a Beta fish, one thing led to another and we were stuck on the gorgeous saltwater fish. We both always loved aquariums and I’ve always wanted a tank. Well we decided to go with a...
  3. M

    Scarlet Legged Hermit Dead?

    Hello, I've had a 20G tank setup since the beginning of February and I have a Scarlet legged hermit in there (along with 1 blue legged and 2 clownfish). He's been sitting on the top of my rocks for days now and moved as recently as Friday. Today I went to spot feed him, which I do sometimes...

    Cycling and practicing the right PPM

    Hello everyone! I've been cycling my 20 long for about a week now, I know I still have a long ways to go. I'm doing a fishless cycle and I threw in a cocktail shrimp about 2days in and I'm wondering if I should remove it? I have about 5lbs of live rock in there and I'm just letting it do its...
  5. andiesreef

    Adding Fish and Corals

    So I am starting a 20g reef tank as soon as my cycle finishes. I am planning on the following stocking: - 1 ocellaris clownfish - 1 cardinalfish or royal gramma - 1 small blenny or goby maybe paired with a shrimp - 1 small wrasse if i can find one (pink-streaked or possum, or perhaps even a...
  6. M

    Yellow/White (stringy/gunk) Coating on Rock and Substrate - 1 Month Old Tank

    Hello! I will summarize at the end and provide photos if you don't want to read my initial tank journey from start to now, but here we go! I included the journey only because maybe there was a misstep I took that can explain things. Look for the colored markers if you want quick notes, and...
  7. M

    New Tank - General Cycle Process and Question on Lighting During Cycle

    Hello all, I am a returning member of the reef community after years off, and new to the site! Please excuse me while I learn the etiquette and how to ask what I'm thinking in my head. I've set up a 20G Nuvo Peninsula tank in my office and so far here is what I've done. I'm mainly concerned...
  8. P

    Getting back into the hobby

    I had a tank 10 years ago and I really liked having clowns and miss them. I'm at a place where I want to have a tank again and I have a few questions since it has been so long and I'm sure times have changed for fish keeping. I am looking at getting a 20 gallon fish only tank with: 2 clowns; 1...
  9. FrickMasterFlex

    Hello New to the Site | New Reefer | Denville, NJ

    Still familiarizing myself with the site, and pretty sure I should have started here! I live in Denville, NJ, I just started my 1st 20-gallon reef tank with dry rock for cycling, enhanced with MicroBacter just to speed things up, but I'm home all the time with COVID and a newborn so I have loads...
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