nerite snail

  1. D

    Build Thread My mom's 13 gallon bubble algae Christmas present tank build!

    Some of you may have seen my post about a month ago on wanting to grow bubble algae as my moms Christmas present. Well I did it, and this is the build thread for that tank...
  2. littlemacros

    Will all these eggs hatch?

    So my two pro escape artist nerite snails decided to lay eggs about two weeks ago...all over my tank. Literally on the rocks, the pumps, even on my beloved turbo snail, Vagine. Most of the egg sacs on the glass have been developing it seems. I say this because when they were first layed they...
  3. alimac122

    Nerites being bums

    Hey guys. I just added more nerites to my tank. Theyve been in about three days. I added them to try and tackle the diatoms and algae problem. However, the last two days they have almost all been in the top corner of the tank where the auto feeder is. Yesterday I took them off the glass and...
  4. Idoc

    Eggs on snail shell?

    Does anyone know what these small round off-white bumps are on my Nerite Snail's shell could be? Eggs possibly? It seems like every other Nerite snail in the tank likes to take a ride on his/her shell... lol. I received this snail from Reef Cleaners the other day and it was covered in these...