
  1. F

    Need advice

    I am interested to setting up a finding nemo aquarium set up for my daughter. Is it okay to keep dory fish and 2 nemo fishes in 55 gallon tank? I am planning to use my cascade external filter for filtration. I have around 16 years experience in keeping freshwater and now thinking about doing a...
  2. katthereefwife

    Build Thread MY KRUSTY TANK

    Hi guys! It’s finally growing algae! I have the urge to clean it so badly but from what I’m told that’s just part of the beginning part of having a salty tank. #krustytank I’m super new to the hobby does anyone know what happens after this stage?
  3. amstalf

    Bio Cube 16 Gallon

    Coralife LED Bio Cube 16 Saltwater Aquarium -in tank media basket with Chem Pure -Chill Solutions 11414 Thermo electric chiller Fish -Ocellaris Clownfish -Yellow Tail Blue Damselfish -Chalk Bass -Pencil Urchin -Astraea x4 -Scarlett Hermits x5 -Blue Leg Hermit -Nassarius Snails x 2 Accessories...
  4. Noahs Home Zoo

    Build Thread 75G Upgraded Tank with LPS and Softies.

    Hey all, it has been a while since I was on here. I wanted to do an update and show off the big upgrade I finally did. Short back story.... 9 years ago, we owned a 14G BioCube setup for a nano reef. It was thriving and we were ready to make the jump up. So we bought a 75 Gallon tank. Before I...
  5. N

    What's some really good fish & coral for a 6gal Nanocube?

    I just received a 6 gallon Nanocube and was wanting to keep it simple but Beautiful...I have a 28gal coralife cube. I'm looking for some advice on what are some reef peaceful fish that stay small and some corals that would do good in it. I love the clown gobies!! Thanks in advance.
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