negative space

  1. AKLiving

    Does size matter - the great debate

    So, there is controversy in the house tonight. I won’t say where I stand on one of the oldest debates. Hopefully we can put an end to the differing points of view once and for all. Please vote for which side you are on. Be honest and I won’t judge your answer. Going in a RSR 350 due to...
  2. CoraroC

    CoraroC - The NEW modular aquascape system for your reef!!!

    What is CoraroC? CoraroC is a modular aquascaping system. It allows you to build really nice scapes in an easy way. We are now starting shipping in Sweden and Europe. Our goal is to ship worldwide. If you are located outside EU please just reach out to us and we will try to arrange a shipping...
  3. B

    Canadian Looking For Gluemaster Thin? Found a Great Alternative!

    Hey All, For any Canadian people who have been having trouble getting their hands on Gluemasters Thin glue for their aquascapes, I tired about 6 different glues on test pieces and by far the BEST alternative I found is CECCORP's Extra Thin. Runs like water and sets almost instantly when using...
  4. polyppal

    "Painted" Rockwork using Colored Mortars

    I am a big time aquascaper and have spent about 2 weeks sculpting the rockwork for my new cube. It is composed of reefsaver that I chiseled and dremeled into shelves, then cemented together to give it a stepped branching/tabling look. This piece is a monster - about 17hx22l and 60lbs...
  5. rawhideshaba

    Build Thread Anemone 57 Deep Blue Edge Tank

    Anemone tank Ok so I am starting a new build as I sold off my last setup and have regretted it since the guy drove away with it. But I am doing a bit of a different system this time around. So I got rid of my tank last year and have since built many freshwater tanks since then which helped me...
Reef Kinetics