
  1. Holland16

    EMERGENCY Bangeye Cardinals

    Hello one of my bangeyed Cardinal has been laying on the sand and falling to his side occasionally I don’t know what to do he also skipped out on dinner tonight Parameters are good and most recent water change was a week ago.
  2. M

    help me with my marine tank please! need help!!!

    Hi everyone, i really need some help with my marine fish. i’m a new fish keeper but i’ve had this tank for about a year now and have never had any issues. i have no corals in my tank. everything seemed fine until saturday night, when my cleaner shrimp passed away on the rock. i removed him but...
  3. M

    O-fish-ally reefing newbie - help

    Just got into the reefing game. I've been working with freshwater tanks for a while now and just started looking into doing salt water reefs. I'm really just looking for someone who is more used to this kind of thing to chat with and get some pointers in the right direction. - MOD