needing help

  1. jordimex

    Build Thread Hello NOOB here with Reefer 250 starting my journal

    My name is Jorge I am from Mexico but currently living in Aventura, Florida, I am here studying to become an airline pilot and in the meantime start and learn from this awesome hobby I currently own two tanks one is a 10 gal fw tank and a 65 gal fw as well (if you want pictures of them just let...
  2. Justin poirier

    New. Confused

    so I just started a 30 gallon marine tank fee live rock and filter skimmer etc. so at first I put a 6 line wrasse (I know their mean) to get bio filter going and to see if how he would do. He was doing great. I added the antenna lionfish that I originally wanted he's doing fine too. Then this is...
  3. battman98

    clownfish with cut next to lip

    Hello amigos! I spotted a cut on my clownfish 2 days ago and i have been watching it. Doesnt seem to be getting better. I set up my qt today and wondering what i should add to qt to allow me to put my clown in asap. I have added some food, a piece of lr to boost cycle. Also what medicines should...
World Wide Corals