
  1. bleuchzsteve

    Drag half dead?

    Hi all, i just ordered my first frags from top shelf aquatics and one of the frags seems like half of it is dead’s an evergreen Galatea and It was an “almost WYSIWYG” item so I believe it was in this condition when I purchased it. Should I do something special with this to keep it...
  2. Pelagikos

    Wwc Striptease turning white at base

    Hey guys! I have an Acropora frag from WWC. It's a few months old and it's starting to show a little growth but at the same time is white at the base. It was much darker and has colored up nicely but I'm worried about this white coloration. Should I leave it alone and assume that it's just new...
  3. D

    EMERGENCY Red montipora dying

    I recently acquired a red montipora from my friend one week ago. All of the sudden it appears the tissue is falling off. Within eight hours it is halfway gone. All of my water parameters are in line and the only thing I can think of is possibly my lighting may be stronger than my friends. I...
  4. P

    Is this cauliflower colt gone?

    Hello, I'm totally new to reefs, but have been keeping FOWLR systems for about 15 years. I purchased a cauliflower colt and a candy cane last week. Neither one has looked good since purchase, and the cauliflower is definitely showing some necrosis in one spot, although it doesn't smell bad at...
Reef Chasers Aquaculture