
  1. Karen00

    How do people keep baby brine shrimp in the water column?

    Hello fellow saltines, I've been hatching baby brine shrimp for my fish for awhile which has been going well. The fish also eat frozen food so the bbs isn't their only food but I add it twice a day to the tank so they have setting to hunt (or so I thought). I just recently watched my tank after...
  2. Karen00

    Mesh size to filter brine nauplii from casings

    Hello fellow saltines, My brine shrimp setup does a pretty good job of separating the brine shrimp egg casings from the nauplii but sometimes when I get near the bottom (after a couple days of draining) I get some of the egg casings mixed in with the nauplii. I just purchased some sieves in...
  3. WheatToast

    Is it possible to Raise and Breed Brine Shrimp in my Refugium?

    This might sound stupid, but would it be possible to raise and breed brine shrimp in my refugium? The water parameters required by brine shrimp seem to line up with those in my marine system, I dose phytoplankton (Kent Marine PhytoPlex) four times a week, and my refugium is well sheltered with...
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