natural sea water readings

  1. russell.dexter

    Higher salinity in collected natural seawater... Do I need to adjust?

    Hi guys, Back in the hobby after a seriously long hiatus - so practically a noob now. Have a question on using NSW for my pico. (It's a 5g Fluval evo that I perform a 90% water change on weekly) The natural sea water I collect here in Nassau has a salanity of about 1.028 - 1.029 when I...
  2. Henryt

    Natural Seawater readings

    I took a sample of seawater and measured it to see conditions where there is abundant life and heavy organic material and contact with the land to see nature's water parameters. Amazingly the levels were as follows: NO3 0ppm KH 8.2 PO4 0 ppm CA 400 ppm This was taken from the water at...