nano fish

  1. Muffin87

    Using 5.5G plastic container to quarantine nano fish

    Can I use a 5.5G plastic container to quarantine 1 or 2 gobies and similar nano fish for the standard 1.5 month quarantine period with copper? Are there plastics that aren't compatible with copper tretaments? Thanks!
  2. FishAreCool

    Clown Goby Questions

    I like the look of the citrinis clown goby (Gobiodon citrinus) and I have some questions about them. 1. Are they hard to get onto frozen foods? 2. Will they nip other corals besides SPS?
  3. Kota

    Stocking reccomendations for a 20 gallon high FOWLR

    Hi all, was looking for some different suggestions of fish and unique invertebrates to add to my research list/cart. Right now my tank is a very stable 8 months old and I just haven't had the extra money to shell out to get fish because of unfortunate personal events but I'm finally able to...
  4. S

    AIO Build Fluval 13.5 Reef tank build! / Suggestions?

    Hi Everyone! So I decided to post my first build thread to R2R! I currently have an SCA 80 gallon FOWLR that has been running for over 1 year and after finding a good petco sale on the Fluval 13.5 / redoing my office I decided I wanted to start a nano reef for the office(thinking this would be...
  5. nanonøkk

    nano tank fish

    ok so i was looking at my tank and i think it probably needs a fish it’s only a 10 gal i used to have a clownfish but she became very very aggressive twards me to the point she wouldn’t stop biting me every time i put my hand in the tank so i decided to sell her so now i’m trying to figure out...
  6. MileHighSeaLevel

    Nano fish for more diversity in mid-size tanks

    As I'm currently cycling my Reefer 250, I've been debating a stocking list consisting entirely of nano fish to provide more interest and diversity. My thinking is smaller fish=more fish=more interest and interaction. Who is running a setup like this, and what are your thoughts and lessons...
  7. smartwater101

    Do small mangrove tanks need filtration?

    I'm thinking of putting two small tanks on either side of my 90" mixed reef. Originally i was going to plump it into the tank.. but I'm thinking that might be overkill. That is, if the Mangrove tanks don't need filtration in the first place. These "tanks" would be more like shallow 5-10...