nano 6

  1. introvert.invert_hba

    EMERGENCY 6gal nano tank - inverts dying off, how much water to change?

    Hi! My 6g nano is almost a month old. About two weeks ago, I replaced the original water with cycled water from a coral tank from my LFS. Over the course of a week after adding cycled water, I added my animals- Mexican turbo snail, cleaner shrimp, red honey damsel, 3 Astrinia starfish; electric...
  2. introvert.invert_hba

    how much (animals) is too much in 6g nano

    Hi! I have a 6g corner tank. I’m looking to make the ecosystem full circle. How much is too much for my tiny tank? I currently have a cleaner shrimp, Mexican turbo snail, red honey damsel and 3 Astrinia starfish. I haven’t seen the little starfish since I added them into the tank. The snail...
  3. introvert.invert_hba

    Build Thread Nano Tank - 1st tank

    Hii!! New here and new to aquariums. Background is marine science with emphasis on microbiology and water quality. Decided to get a tank on a whim over an adorable starfish I didn’t want to leave behind. Guy at PETCO (I know, I’m learning) helped set me up and said it *should* be okay to keep...

    6 gallon JBJ tank. 2 damsel fish and clown fish.