nano 5

  1. C

    Newbie Alert! Am I Doing This Right?

    Hey everyone, I'm new to reefing. Currently having my 5 gallon tank cycling for about 2 weeks now. Current levels: Nitrate - 20 Nitrite - 0.5 - 1 pH - 8.4 Phosphate - 0.25 - 0 Ammonia - 0.25 - 0.50 Temp - 77 & Starting to grow brown spots in the sand I know my tank isnt done cycling but I...
  2. Wutero

    Nano Build My 5gal Nano reef !

    I have had this 5g reef tank set up for about 2 years now and im honestly loving the results im getting from it. Just thought i’d show it off :) Its a AJ-40 with a colbalt mini MJ (i think 404) in the back. The light I use is a Kessil A80 set at 100% blue. I don’t run any carbon or dose any...
Coral Frenzy