
  1. P

    I don’t know what’s wrong with my tank…

    I have been deep in the hobby for several years now and I work at my local fish store. Even my coworkers and boss do not know what is wrong with my tank! Parameters of tank- 0 ammonia, alk around 7 ish, nitrates almost 0, phosphates less than .1 (tested using salifert brand) *id like to mention...
  2. TheStripedHermit

    Could this be gill flukes or something else?

    I have left my DT fallow of fish for over a year now and I currently have a blue green chromis in my QT for about 2 weeks but ever since I added a scoop full of DT water to the QT to make sure theres nothing in it, my chromis progressively started showing trouble to eat food when I did this a...
  3. P

    Build Thread Hardest but rewarding hobby to start. My first tank

    This is a photo of my tank .i want honest opinions on the aquascaping. I like it but its so different from everything i see. Is there a reason others dont do a similar aquascape or is it just ugly to others. Its about 5 months old. Im obsessed and loving the hobby but something in my tank is...
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