mystery disease

  1. Leon821019218

    Fish are dying and I don't know what to do!! :(

    I'm kinda in a panic mode right now... My tank has been running for almost a year and since the start it has been doing quite well. But over the last week my fish start dying off at a pretty high rate. Little backstory, july 11 I did a little rescaping in my tank. I bought a few pieces of dry...
  2. jskidds2294

    EMERGENCY Mystery Disease killing fish.

    Upon getting the clownfish we treated with PraziPro for 1 week and a 5-day treatment of Ich-x. The clownfish were alone in the tank so they did not need to be qt. They were eating well and showed no sign of disease. Upon receiving the tang we did a freshwater dip, a 1 month qt separate from the...
Tenecor Aquariums