mystery coral

  1. A

    Zoa ID

    Hello I am just wondering what type of zoa I have in my tank,i purchased it about a year ago and I still do not know its name, thanks for your help.
  2. P

    Unknown coral like thing on my rock

    Hi guys, I recently purchased a mushroom and didnt realise it had something on the rock.. i tried to research it by myself but couldnt found any answers to what it was. There is something that looks like some type of coral attached to the rock. I've added a picture of it. Can anyone tell me...
  3. SimplyVibing

    Bleaching mystery coral

    I accidentally dropped this guy behind a rock about two months ago. Finally found him, and he’s just slightly purple at the tips now— is he going to make it? Also, what the heck is this guy? I forgot what they called it at my LFS. I think they said galaxia but idk. Thanks!
  4. Seth Francis

    Identify, if you can!

    So I picked up this neat little coral about 2 months ago. I was told that it was a “finger leather”, but I really don’t believe this is true. When I first got it in my QT it opened up and was a beautiful blackish- purplish- peachy color with a main stem and branch pattern. After 2 weeks in QT I...
Extreme Corals