
  1. Starling541

    To Zoa or Not to Zoa, that is the questions

    Love the variety of colors of Zoas, but the wife has put a hard stop on bringing ANY livestock that has a toxin in them into the house. I’ve tried to make a reasonable case that with care and protection, “toxic” livestock are no-more dangerous than the DrainO under the sink. All efforts have...
  2. J

    Unhappy corals, becoming cryptic!

    Hi all, I'm looking for some advice really. I have been experiencing some issues with my corals for the past 2-3 weeks now. Initially I had found a faulty power head giving me a fair amount of stray voltage into the water (nasty zap!) However since rectifying this I expected to see improvement...
  3. B

    Missing Magnesium!! Please Help!

    We have a 75 gallon tank with a Fluval 407 cannister filter. Bottom tray-black sponge followed by polyfill, Second tray- Chemi-pure & polyfill. Third level- biomedia. Final tray- ZeoCarb & phosphate remover pads Return line has a fluval spray bar, the Inlet has a Fluval skimmer with midline...
  4. chemicals

    Mysterious snail deaths and behaviour

    Hi all, Currently dealing with such a frustrating phenomenon. Two months ago one of my trochus snails started flipping itself on purpose. Even if I put it right again, after 5 minutes it flipped itself upside down again. Apparently this has been reported but no real explanation/cause has been...
  5. T

    Mysterious deaths

    Every fish I add the last 3 weeks mysteriously dies. There’s no signs of parasite or disease on the fish at the time of death. So I had an orange shoulder tang and all of a sudden he has a deep slash on him and he was found breathing heavy in the corner, sadly died hours later. I had him for 2...
  6. D

    Nitrites lingering after cycling 400 gallons

    I have a ~400 gallon tank that was previously running that’s being started up again, but I’m running into a strange problem. It cycles out ammonia usually in 24-48 hours, but nitrite is taking 2-3 days. Parameters: Ammonia: .5 on API and 0 on salifert Nitrite: .5 Nitrate: 25 PH: 8 SG: 1.026...
  7. I

    Mystery Algae Growth

    I’m having a weird thing that may be algae growing on my already diatom covered dry rock. Can anyone please tell me what it is? Thanks!
  8. C


    So just got some live rock and I found two of these snails they are white with horizontal red stripes. Very small and have a bit of a trail behind them that appears to be a part of them and not just a slime trail. They have not done anything remarkable just appear to eat algea. Does anybody know...
  9. C

    Mystery worm

    Hello I just got some live rock and I found a thick black worm with pointy things on it. It was in a cranny so I could not get a good look it a pic. Any ideas
  10. BlakeStew

    Mysterious Creature

    Does anyone have any idea what this creature might be and if I need to remove it from my tank. I haven't seen it actively eating any corals (I have both LPS and SPS) It is completely nocturnal and I can't even attempt to locate it during the day.
  11. ScubaFish802

    Hermits Eat Clove Polyps?

    This morning I noticed a patch of clove polyps that were growing up the glass had dissapeared completely. The glass is completely bare (no green film algae or anything) around where the polyps are missing as well. On both sides of the missing patch all the rest of the polyps are fine and open as...
  12. BornHandy

    Tiny mystery snail.

    My clownfish eggs hatched some time today, and after lights out, I went looking for them. No clownfish fry to be seen, but I spotted this guy...a few of them actually. Any ideas?
  13. BloopFish

    Unknown Pseudochromis?

    Hey, didn't know where to post this, but I was looking at this fish and was trying to figure out what it is and I basically can't. I've seen it offered for sale by multiple places as "vampire pseudochromis- Maldives" with the exact same picture. Thing is, it doesn't look like the typical vampire...
  14. nautical_nathaniel

    Mystery Goby (At least to me and the LFS)

    Mornin' folks! Yesterday I went to the LFS to check out their new shipment of fish. This shipment came from a new wholesaler who apparently got mixed up with a few fish and critters they sent out. I found this goby, the only of it's kind in the store, and for some reason I was curious about...
  15. Will Perry

    Setting up a used tank, but first... a quick question?

    So, I just inherited an Oceanic 42 gallon hexagon aquarium. I have already gone over the plans to build a new stand since the old one has some water damage and I'm just not playing that game. I am going to be setting up a decent sized sump and a protein skimmer that may just be a bit overkill...
  16. GenericReefer

    What in the heck is happening?! Where is my ammonia going?!

    My cycle completed, and I did a complete water change, the nitrates having skyrocketed. Everything (but the pH..) showed up at zero. Nothing at all. So I added a few drops of ammonia. Ammonia began to read, then faded. But nothing else changed. I've noticed this yellow/peach layer developing on...
Biota Marine Life