
  1. S

    Build Thread Let’s see those culture setups!

    as i start my journey into culturing live foods: phyto,pods,mysis, etc. i’d love to see some of your tanks & get ideas as to how i could go about this. also what’s your favorite “live food” to culture? Thanks!
  2. F

    So many questions about food. Let's call this a lightning round.

    Okay. I'm just gonna fire off these questions because I have a ton of them, lol. Some backstory: I've kept freshwater fish for 26 years. I just got into saltwater in the summer of 2021 and now am on my 3rd (4th counting the quarantine) tank. Here goes so bear with me: 1. Any downside/upside...
  3. WheatToast

    Live Mysis Shrimp Everywhere!

    I have several different varieties of hitchhiker micro-crustaceans inhabiting my macroalgae aquarium (Copepods, Amphipods, Munnid Isopods, Mysis). However, I am surprised just how prevalent the Mysis shrimp are. If I simply stare at a tiny section of my rockwork or Sea lettuce for 5 seconds, I...
  4. H

    Mysis vs Mysid Shrimp

    What’s the difference? I know Mysis is freshwater and Mysid is saltwater but is there any nutritional difference? And which one is easier to culture?
  5. Tristan

    Mysis Shrimp Bloom?

    I’ve only seen this twice in the past 2 months. At night maybe an hour after the lights go off, hundreds of baby mysis shrimp are floating in the water column. Is this some sort of hatching event or something?
  6. LxHowler

    Keeping live mysis shrimp in tank

    Hi, my LFS has had a shipment of live mysis shrimp and I was wondering, if I was to add them to my tank would they be able to survive as a food source for my fish, obviously I expect them to get eaten but would some be able to survive and populate the tank as a longer lasting food source if I...
  7. Crested

    How to get a fish to eat pellets? Feeding advice?

    Hey everyone! I just got my first saltwater fish yesterday (a beautiful firefish goby) and tried feeding him omega one marine pellets this morning and he just sort of watched them float by and wasn't too interested so I gave him a pinch of mysis shrimp out of curiosity and I was surprised to see...
  8. Seahorsekelly69

    Feeding Seahorses - The why and How

    What do seahorses eat? How to feed seahorses in aquariums! Original post: Simple enough question right? Or could nutrition be one of the reasons that people fail to keep them healthy in captivity? Seahorses might be fish, but they do not...
  9. 1

    At what point do you feed 2 cubes of mysis?

    Whether its 2 cubes in 1 feeding or 1 cube in each feeding in a day?
  10. C

    Washing or rinsing food

    Who here washes or rinses their food before feeding to eliminate excess nutrients? Has anyone seen any perceived positives or negatives? Curious. Thanks.
  11. BillFragnormous

    Mandarin eating frozen mysis :-)

    Once a week I feed my corals frozen Mysis. Today (for the first time), I noticed my Mandarin happily eating it as well. He is the only fish in my nano reef and he gets live reef stew every Friday (as do the corals obviously), so it's great to see him also eat the frozen mysis, Anyone that know...