multiple tang

  1. situming123

    Tang Tank

    Tang family: Yellow tang Blue tang Black tang Purple tang Scopas tang Gem tang Sailfin tang Desjardin tang powder blue tang Achiles tang Queen angel Frame angel Emperor angel Fox face...etc.
  2. aws2266

    Yellow and Purple Tang in a 120?

    I'm going to be setting up a 120g soon and am looking for a couple center-piece fish. If I introduce them at the same time would or could it work out?
  3. Michael White

    Multiple tang keepers sanity check please

    For those those who keep 4 plus tangs only please. My tank goals are basic: 210 gal Tang tank, running a 100 gal basement sump with two 7” diameter filter socks, oversized skimmer, and about 40gal reverse lighting cycle refugium of macro algae. High flow bare bottom display. Remote sandbed in...
  4. Ajrivera

    2 yellow tangs 1 purple tang

    So I just bought one purple tang. I know very exciting! I also purchased a yellow tang as well. My dream was to have 2 yellow tangs. However the woman at the store told me I had to have at least 3 yellow tangs. So they wouldn’t fight. Was she right? I really wanted two yellow tangs.. does any...